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OT: American Politics

I will say, I'm a little scared at how the debate will end up. There's a strong part of me that feels it's going to look like a long SNL sketch...

It will, but I don't think we're in for any surprises. Biden is going to sound like Biden sounds, and Trump is going to sound how Trump sounds. Biden is going to sound old, his speech impediment is going to fuck with him a couple of times, etc. Trump is going to be an entirely unhinged lying windbag living in an alternate reality.
There's also about a 20% energy loss in the refining process fwiw, as in for 100 units of gasoline it takes 20 units of input power to refine it from it's base hydrocarbon.

Efficiency is not an argument that oil/gasoline supporters should let themselves get pulled into.
There's also about a 20% energy loss in the refining process fwiw, as in for 100 units of gasoline it takes 20 units of input power to refine it from it's base hydrocarbon.

Efficiency is not an argument that oil/gasoline supporters should let themselves get pulled into.
But let's hope that they do. Unfortunately they're backers are too dumb to understand it regardless.