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OT: American Politics

Well, I'm convinced.

Now that we have an established timeframe for when we switched from our normal really cool timeline over to this really fucking shitty timeline, we gotta try and figure out if Bowie's death caused the switch, or was he trying to prevent it?

I'll fucking take it.

I do not remotely trust the DNC to turn any sort of ballot change into anything but an unmitigated fuck show in clown makeup. I'll take Joe running on 2 cylinders over the "senior democrats already rolling over for Trump's 2nd term" having anything the fuck to do with the next 4 months.

I get it.

But some internal party posters disagree

MilwaukeeCNN —
The public calls from Democrats asking President Joe Biden to bow out of the presidential race have quieted in recent days, but private efforts to nudge the president and his top aides continue, several Democratic sources told CNN.

Among the efforts, these sources say, are repeated memos from a seasoned and respected Democratic pollster, Stanley Greenberg, sharing his take that Biden is on track to lose the election – and in a way that does deep damage to other Democratic candidates.

“Lose everything,” is how one Democrat described a polling memo Greenberg sent to Biden’s inner circle in recent days. “Devastating,” was the one word answer of a second Democrat close to the White House who is familiar with the Greenberg memos.

These sources said Greenberg has sent several memos over the past two weeks since the president’s devastating debate performance, analyzing internal polling he asserts shows the president’s position continues to deteriorate because Americans overwhelmingly do not see him as up to serving four more years.

Greenberg has been a leading Democratic pollster for decades and his work includes advising Bill Clinton’s two winning presidential campaigns. He declined to comment when contacted Monday evening.
I'm kinda 50/50 on Biden in or out. I go back and forth. It's fucked that his body is betraying him this badly right in crunch time tho.