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OT: American Politics

Fwiw, because this appears to be the new attack angle (lol), based on a few separate twitter discussions I've seen, here's the timeline of Walz retirement from the military vs Iraq deployment

- Late 2004/Early 2005 (exact date not publicly available but I'm sure it exists): Uncie Walz puts in his retirement paperwork. This is would have happened sometime between his promotion in Sept 2004 and when he put in his paperwork required to run for Congress (Feb 10, 05)

- Feb 10 2005: Paperwork goes in declaring his intent to run for congress

- May 2005: Walz retires from the national guard

- July 2005: Walz old unit receives alert order for deployment

- Sept 2005: Unit arrives at Camp Shelby to prepare for deployment

- March 2006: Unit is deployed to Iraq

So Walz put in his retirement paperwork anywhere between 6-10 months prior to his unit being told to start preparing for a deployment.
Fwiw, because this appears to be the new attack angle (lol), based on a few separate twitter discussions I've seen, here's the timeline of Walz retirement from the military vs Iraq deployment

- Late 2004/Early 2005 (exact date not publicly available but I'm sure it exists): Uncie Walz puts in his retirement paperwork. This is would have happened sometime between his promotion in Sept 2004 and when he put in his paperwork required to run for Congress (Feb 10, 05)

- Feb 10 2005: Paperwork goes in declaring his intent to run for congress

- May 2005: Walz retires from the national guard

- July 2005: Walz old unit receives alert order for deployment

- Sept 2005: Unit arrives at Camp Shelby to prepare for deployment

- March 2006: Unit is deployed to Iraq

So Walz put in his retirement paperwork anywhere between 6-10 months prior to his unit being told to start preparing for a deployment.

I mean i haven't heard one quote from him where anyone would think he was saying he was on active combat duty. Several quotes where he specifically says he did NOT see combat.

Meanwhile, i was certainly under the impression that Vance had seen actual combat when he was a "marine deployed to a combat zone".....when he was actually a Junior Journalist writing press releases out of the public affairs office in iraq.

We won't even mention the bonespurs at the top of the ticket.

It's desperate stuff from the same guy who swiftboated Kerry and who is now running this one.



I agree 100%, think everyone agrees 100% and under no circumstance believe that Trump should replace him before he's legally stuck with Vance on the ticket.