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OT: American Politics

maybe. still think he could easily work this into his speech, both accentuating how normie his unspicy white diet is and pointing how incredibly fucking weird they are. like they have decided to respond to being called weird by just going absolutely unhinged weird. it's amazing.

Oh, he could definitely do it and it would work, but I still think the most effective use of those muppets is ignoring them in the direct sense, but leaving bread crumbs that make them continuously foam at the mouth. I just think that's a more powerful combination of looking like you're above their nonsense, and get them to continuously focus and freak out at otherwise benign statements that have been specifically coded to make the weirdos freak out and look like the fucking nutters they are.
Almost immeasurable

It's amazing. Biden beat him pretty handily with the slogan "build back better" (wtf...) and saying shit like "c'mon man" and "stop the malarkey". Kamala is shit pumping him by....appearing to be a relatable human being that smiles and laughs in public. Can you imagine if Trump had run in 2012 instead of 2016? Obama would have run a fucking train on him.

Hillary though, woof.
The “weirdest” thing about Spicegate to me is that MAGAfuks completely miss the fact that Walz is making fun of himself because those blowhards are insecure dolts who don’t have a self effacing bone in their body
Some people here will remember Paul Simon in a turkey costume on snl....I think Walz could pull that off.