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OT: American Politics

How can a book that claims there are 10 months in a year and that the earth is 8,000 years old have any historical value?
And how is forcing a religion on people, who do not want to accept it, be pertinent?
I can't imagine what goes on in your head when you read philosophical books/documents.
Interesting how one group can point to the bible as a sign and proof of man's progress, while another group sees it as a perfect example of mankind's general stupidity...the idea that a bunch of stories collected thousands of years ago should hold any relevance now is, IMO, one of the prime examples of how a kind of collective insanity can be not only dangerous, but destructive as well.
Interesting how one group can point to the bible as a sign and proof of man's progress, while another group sees it as a perfect example of mankind's general stupidity...the idea that a bunch of stories collected thousands of years ago should hold any relevance now is, IMO, one of the prime examples of how a kind of collective insanity can be not only dangerous, but destructive as well.
The difference in perspective is one is born from hubris, one from humility.

The idea that stories collected thousands of years ago have stood the test of time and been the guiding force that has shaped a more humane world is proof in itself of the importance. That is a non-negotiable fact.

I'm all about independent thinking to rebel and keep in check collective insanities, but to think you are an intellectual because you look down on this document is peak narcissism, naivety, or both.
The difference in perspective is one is born from hubris, one from humility.

The idea that stories collected thousands of years ago have stood the test of time and been the guiding force that has shaped a more humane world is proof in itself of the importance. That is a non-negotiable fact.

I'm all about independent thinking to rebel and keep in check collective insanities, but to think you are an intellectual because you look down on this document is peak narcissism, naivety, or both.
I hope the irony of you pretending to be exercising humility, and not hubris, is not lost on everyone here.

Thank you for my thanksgiving chuckle!
Did somebody say the words "Bible" and "humane world" together?

Holy shit, talk about naivety.
Religion, and because it's number one, Christianity is responsible for almost every major atrocity mankind has committed in the name of a god.

Our inability to finish our descent from the trees and shed our animal fears and ignorance....that's why we are in the mess we are in today.
Religion is the number one purveyor of fear and ignorance.

From the fires of hell to burning alive because you refused to accept that the earth was the center of the universe...give me a break, religion is a pox on humanity.
Did somebody say the words "Bible" and "humane world" together?

Holy shit, talk about naivety.
Religion, and because it's number one, Christianity is responsible for almost every major atrocity mankind has committed in the name of a god.

Our inability to finish our descent from the trees and shed our animal fears and ignorance....that's why we are in the mess we are in today.
Religion is the number one purveyor of fear and ignorance.

From the fires of hell to burning alive because you refused to accept that the earth was the center of the universe...give me a break, religion is a pox on humanity.

Hear! Hear!

The nail has been struck precisely upon it's head.
They're getting shit kicked in early voting in battleground states fwiw.

Its hard to know what to make of it though because comparing to 2020s election during the pandemic would obviously be difficult but democrats seem to be performing better than they did in 2022 when they outperformed polling by a lot and made red wave predictions look terrible.

Preston's boy Bouzy insists Florida is a battleground state as well fwiw





Trump won Florida by 113,000 votes in 2016 so it's definitely not an insurmountable gap if some old voting patterns return and Democrats outperform in early voting.
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I hope the irony of you pretending to be exercising humility, and not hubris, is not lost on everyone here.

Thank you for my thanksgiving chuckle!

Yeah, it’s the swivel eyed muppets who “did their own research” and wanted to lynch Fauci who were “humble.” Their “humility” caused 100s of thousands unnecessary deaths during COVID because they were “too humble” to follow the science and grasp the basic concepts of communicable disease management.

Exhibit A Dunning-Kruger is about as generous as it can be with feckless morons.
