EU troops would be subject to Russian air attacks, potentiallyMy hope, and I think it's something Macron is probably trying to make happen is to unofficially partition Ukraine into two zones: An active conflict zone and peacekeeping zone. Move EU troops and assets into western & central Ukraine and assume all defensive duties along the Ukraine-Belarus, and Ukraine-Moldova borders under Ukie supervision. Take over air defence duties over those regions as well. This would allow the Ukrainians to free up man and material resources they're using in the central and western parts of the country right now without putting EU troops directly at risk.
EU troops would be subject to Russian air attacks, potentially
Insert putin on a horse gifThat's up to Vlad how froggy he's feeling. Seeing as a whole bunch of videos hit my telegram today showing Russian soldiers riding to the front lines on horseback because they're running out of troop carriers in Prokrovsk, I don't know if he wants to give European militaries an excuse to actually get involved in the shooting.
Insert putin on a horse gif
Ok to share one or two? Curious to see what they're riding & how tacked.That's up to Vlad how froggy he's feeling. Seeing as a whole bunch of videos hit my telegram today showing Russian soldiers riding to the front lines on horseback because they're running out of troop carriers in Prokrovsk, I don't know if he wants to give European militaries an excuse to actually get involved in the shooting.
Ok to share one or two? Curious to see what they're riding & how tacked.