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OT: American Politics

I don't think Melania's a bad person, this is mostly about him. This is literally one of the most insane things I've ever seen happen in my life.

The United States is now a potential puppet regime of the USSR. Ronnie is turning over in his grave.

Running the U.S. economy into bankruptcy, building a wall around the country, killing efforts on healthcare and global warming, Taking things and not paying for them, walking up to random women and grabbing them by the pussy.

All on the table. And president-approved.

Only in 'Murica.

you're silly ego-based "reactions" are pathetic, the entire Universe laughs at your total blindness and self-denial. The Truth is, all you are is "walking reactions" like a total automated pre-programmed robot programmed by the countless lies of society.. you're just walking reactions and nothing more, as a result of your total lack of consciousness.

Before you answer anything about this election, or your opinion on who should win or lose, or your "programmed" opinion on ANYTHING in life .. All we want to hear about is who is "Our Team" that Jeb Bush is talking about in the video below.


All we want to hear about is who is "Our Team" that Jeb Bush is talking about in the video below

If you're so smart to give your pathetic "one-liners", then answer to ALL of us, once and for all. WHO IS OUR TEAM ?????

Who is it ? Who are they? and what are they ? Answer it.. or else anything else you say has absolutely ZERO credibility . Because you're totally unconscious opinion and perspectives are useless and totally worthless.

the Truth is Zeke, you cannot see what love is even if it smacks you in the face, and you cannot see darkness, because you're living in darkness.

Totally blanked this dude from the memory banks.

Pure gold.
LOL at you guys talking about polls .. They are pulling the polls of your mind. You're moles following the polls.

George Soros owns the voting machines. George Soros installed the voting machines. And that is a FACT. Make no mistake about it, Trump is ahead bigtime, but the mainstream media is lying to you.

You Hitlery voters (and rooters for Hitlery), are really pulling for George Soros. Hitlery Clinton is just his puppet.

George Soros: ‘I Am A God, I Created Everything, I Control America And Hillary Clinton’


Trump is a hero. all because most of forumice is dead asleep, does not mean millions of people in america haven't started to wake up , and through this election and Donald Trump. As I've said many times before, this election is the best thing that has ever happened to us. As the media is being exposed for the total fraud that it is. The US government is being exposed for it's pathetic neverending corruption,. and the illuminati world banksters are being exposed for all the lies they've manufactured in our pathetic society full of lies.

Trump fully knows 9/11 was an inside job. He can't come out with it now because too many people are apathetic and brainwashed, it has to come out slowly. If he comes out with it now it would destroy his campaign, as Americans have been so brainwashed they would be in a total state of shock, cognitive dissonance.

Remember early in the republican process, the mainstream media gave Trump just a 1% chance to win the republican nomination. Remember the illuminati-owned mainstream media was pimping for Jeb Bush hard early on, that was their initial choice. But Trump totally destroyed him. Then the illuminati placed another illuminati puppet, Cruz to butt heads with Trump, and Trump destroyed him

Trump beat down the Bush crime family, and he is in the process of tearing apart the Clinton crime family. If you cannot see that, and what is really going on, then I am sorry to say but you've been totally fooled.


Like holy
Like holy
Literally every word in that post is complete and unadulterated bullshit. Just unbelievable.

Best part:

George Soros owns the voting machines. George Soros installed the voting machines. And that is a FACT.

"Remember the illuminati-owned mainstream media was pimping for Jeb Bush hard early on, that was their initial choice. But Trump totally destroyed him. Then the illuminati placed another illuminati puppet, Cruz to butt heads with Trump, and Trump destroyed him"

Goddamn, for an all-powerful organization (which to my knowledge has never actually existed) that totally runs the world, this Soros-run Illuminati appears to be even more incompetent than the Trump Administration.
aaaand me

also you... I liked this one.

Nah, I'm going to remind you at every turn that you're nothing but the guy crowing about being right that the asteroid was going to hit. When it does hit, I'll be here to remind you that this is what you wanted. Every shitty policy, every at risk group targeted, every ridiculous 3AM tweet shitting on the history and honour of the office of the POTUS, I'll be reminding you that this is what you wanted.

Buckle up sunshine.