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OT: American Politics

What item could Gosh HeeHaw be holding for the viewing pleasure of the Cracker Barrel Taliban.

Wrong answers only.


I’ll start. Dead raccoon, both for good eatin’ and as a fashion accessory.
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Not that I’m advocating for its resurgence, but I always wondered how people’s “beliefs”, “spirituality” and “faith” would morph and evolve in an increasingly secular world and declining mainline religions.

Consider lapsed Catholics, possibly the largest group of seculars in the western culture (or at least they account for a huge change over the last two generations.) Are they able to reconcile their lives with the cold, random and impersonal parameters of realism, modern science and existentialism? Or do they run for emotional cover… new agism, fantasy escapism and, of course, virtual reality?

I have no idea, and I’ll readily admit I’m a clueless armchair philosopher. But the hold and power that social media has on people, and this cultishness is somewhat alarming. Just saying…
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A couple Rogan cultists that I am FB friends with have exposed themselves as lackeys over the past couple weeks and it is a little shocking. As presto noted it is very much like a cult following. Bizarre but also very concerning.

Looks like he's in the news again today apologizing over a compilation of clips of him using the N word repeatedly was shared on social media.
A couple Rogan cultists that I am FB friends with have exposed themselves as lackeys over the past couple weeks and it is a little shocking. As presto noted it is very much like a cult following. Bizarre but also very concerning.
It's actually a very interesting trail of thought.
All these guys that peddle conspiracy shit seem to able to instill a religious-like fervor in their listeners.

I tend to think of all religion as Cult...one thing you notice with people that "believe" is that they need to constantly vocalize their beliefs to others and quite often they are also trying to "convert" you.

J.Witness has made a career out of this.

Church of latter day saints is constantly pushing literature, right now I have been receiving hand-written letters from some poor schmuck in town who had chosen me as their pet project.

Hare krishna, when they were everywhere, were annoying as fuck.

All cults require you to defend your leader, love your leader, never criticize your leader...and tell everybody about your leader and their message.

Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, these are guys who smelled the crazy and realized it smelled like money.
I sorta lived it when I used to listen to Howard Stern. I was younger and more impressionable but the conditions for cult-like fandom were perfect. It's a guy that many people listen to for 4-5 hours a day, 20-25 hours a week. These people listen to these guys more than anyone in their personal life. So when push comes to shove you feel like you have a relationship with them. That's step 1 and the obvious precursor to being vulnerable to believing everything they say or promote.

It helps that Joe is passionate and when he speaks it's easy to think that he knows what he's talking about. His problem is that he is unwavering. Once he decides that something is true, that's it. You won't convince him that he's wrong. And he obviously looks for dissenting opinions that go against the broad mainstream narrative; he is way more likely to believe something that disagrees with 99% of renowned subject matter experts than going with the 99%. He has always been this way. So it's a perfect storm for dangerous disinformation spewing to a huge huge audience. And another key? He gives off the impression that he's Just Asking Questions and searching for Answers... But he asks and believes the very few people who disagree with the consensus. And Joe is not qualified to go against the consensus in anything but hosting reality tv shows or MMA.
If Joe learns one thing about this ridiculous chapter of his life, its that he has to go back to being the guy who realizes that he's a dummy and just asks smart people if they've ever been in a fight or done dmt.
That's the thing about Joe. He doesn't learn. He reads or listens to what he wants to believe, all while portraying himself as a "learner". And again, a lot of people in the world are like this. It isn't malicious or anything I don't think. He just has the unfortunate position of having millions of cult-like listeners who hang on to his every word so it now becomes dangerous of him to promote these things, as opposed to his pre-podcast days where he was just seen as a passionate quack (he said similar shit, but no one believed or listened to him without his cult established). So he has a responsibility that many others who think alike don't have, but has unfortunately squandered it.
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Idk...100 million dollar contract, he's probably okay with this.

This is a guy who picked up his ball and left LA largely because he felt he wasn't getting enough love on the LA comedy scene. He doesn't love the negative attention and he's not really a natural ally to right wingers because of how irreligious and socially permissive he is. He wants to be loved, most performers have that affliction.
I mean the first really big YouTube video of his that blew up was a video of him passionately describing DMT. Millions of kids immediately went out to look for and try DMT. Should have been clue #1 that this guy had it in him to be the leader of a cult. WE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN
