and here comes worm to virtue signal once again. Okay you guys are right, it's a crime against humanity to (checks notes) talk to Charlie Kirk. Anyone who does so should be thrown out of the Democratic Party and never heard from again.
Completely agreed. But he picked the Brothers Grimm to platform and peddle more fairytales.I guess what I'm saying is, gives away what game? He's trying to launch a podcast, perhaps by starting out with some provocative guests. It's free to say you don't agree with that strategy. I just don't see it as some kind of betrayal.
Newsom is highly skilled at spitting out numbers and facts in a charismatic way, by not being antagonistic to these folks maybe he thinks he can convert some of their fans. And we could use a few of them, quite frankly. There are millions of people walking about believing in fairy tales. They can see the Trump shitshow in real time, but there's a certain cognitive dissonance at play. Telling them that they're idiots does not work. You have to first get their attention, and then explain to them exactly how the facts are on our side.
but you know what else is authoritarian? saying you should be excommunicated from the left just because you interviewed Charlie Kirk on a fucking podcast. If you're not allowed to interview anyone on the right who ever said something reprehensible, there'd be nobody left.Small point of order: Can we stop pretending that platforming someone is the same as "talking" to them?
Yeah, if Gavin Newsom ran into Charlie "women shouldn't go to college, because they should be having babies" Kirk in the line at Starbucks and they had a cordial chat for 5 minutes while waiting for their
But having him on your podcast absolutely normalizes him and his message when you're the sitting governor of fucking California.
Did we just not watch this movie for the last ~8 years and the plot twist at the end is that the authoritarians win?
And there you go. Doing the same here.
but you know what else is authoritarian? saying you should be excommunicated from the left just because you interviewed Charlie Kirk on a fucking podcast. If you're not allowed to interview anyone on the right who ever said something reprehensible, there'd be nobody left.
it would certainly be a huge disappointment if he didn't interview people like Krugman, for sure.imo, if Newsom wants to have an actual impact, how about he platforms experts on the issues that important to people? These culture warriors get orders of magnitude more time in front of audiences than we need while actual economists, ecologists, climate scientists, historians and random specialists on authoritarianism, etc, etc all have to pump their own substack tires to get anyone to hear important information. Paul Krugman will talk to anyone who will listen to him, bring him on your fucking podcast Gav. Find good, smart, interesting people who can function in that format and have them on. We don't need to talk to The Booze, we already know he's a nazi.
... he doesn't even push back on Trump won the 2020 election.
If Gavin had Charlie on and debunked his dumbass shit, I see no issues with him exposing that grifter. Instead, he licked his cock, agreed with some of Charlie's batshit opinions, and when they did debate he got rinsed despite being objectively right.
It was bad. I know he's trying to fight back on the rights podcast dominance but that was just a poor showing.
"I also appreciate that you call balls and strikes as it relates to what you're seeing with the administration…”
Yeah so, basically same as the Kirk interview. This stuff just isn't helpful for the Dems unless you're going to push back and educate.