Just want to say this...
All of this is going to make the truckers look like heroes to the COVID-deniers, and that's all we are going to hear about for the next few months.
I just want to say to the people that have spent the last two years avoiding any responsibility to their neighbors/families/communities, and instead spending their spare time railing against the provincial health care system, complaining about their freedoms and fear-mongering about eternally losing their rights/freedoms, and shaming those that chose to get "gene therapy", "micro-chipped" and killing themselves by wearing a mask.. and finally channeling all of their stupidity (and grifted/crowd-funded money) into a convoy of flag-waving, diesel-burning tailgaters that decided to speak to Canada's manager about how mean he is.
A hearty and sincere "Get Fucked."
If you chose to not get vaccinated, and have still been lucky enough to not get COVID - thank the HIGH-PERCENTAGE of your neighbours/friends/family that got the shot, x2, x3. It's not your own dumbass that prevented the masses from getting put down by COVID due to hospital overload, it's the strong and brave part of the population that stepped-up and looked after you - and don't worry, I'll never let you forget that.