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OT: Coronavirus Resources - and other things to not worry about

Tldr, they recovered (though aren’t yet totally out of the woods) thanks to fauxmicron being mild as fuck.
Was out this morning - the first handful of people I saw heading into office buildings, coffee shops etc were all masked. By the end of the walk I’d say 30pct masked vs unmasked.

I guess COVID’s really over, folks.
My work announced we’re still doing daily screening and masks. Transit still masked. So no reason for me to switch elsewhere I figure.
That is mask people and non mask people were being kind.

Wednesday I get to coach hockey without getting a rash due to condensation on inside of mask.

That will be pleasant.
The rink is super-spreader territory.
It's a barn. We're not next to each other. The kids play maskless and have without a break. We practiced as a team all through Omicron. We go in the dressing room. Their helmets go on and the masks come off. The reffs don't wear masks.

Wearing them while coaching is security theatre.

Much like wearing them while walking 10 feet into a restaurant only to take them off once the drinks arrive.
It's a barn. We're not next to each other. The kids play maskless and have without a break. We practiced as a team all through Omicron. We go in the dressing room. Their helmets go on and the masks come off. The reffs don't wear masks.

Wearing them while coaching is security theatre.

Much like wearing them while walking 10 feet into a restaurant only to take them off once the drinks arrive.
I used to agree with you re: the theatre in restaurants until I read a study suggesting that the majority of covid transmission occurs within <2 metres physical distance or something like that. I don't recall exactly but the gist of it was that there did appear to be scientific evidence supporting the utility of masking while moving in restos.
I used to agree with you re: the theatre in restaurants until I read a study suggesting that the majority of covid transmission occurs within <2 metres physical distance or something like that. I don't recall exactly but the gist of it was that there did appear to be scientific evidence supporting the utility of masking while moving in restos.
I think it was after 2M the concentration dissipates to the point where transmission risk is very small
The bench is already full of kids without masks on. There's only two people out of 14 sitting beside each other who were wearing them.
I don't do podcasts but this was short so I gave it a quick listen. It's an interview with the immunologist behind the "prime and spike" vax idea (prime with mRNA and introduce the spike intranasally). Very promising early results, they've received a lot of funding to get going on larger animals and then eventually humans. Should be fairly variant-proof, extremely safe, and longer lasting more durable immunity. And even if the last bit doesn't quite hold up perfectly, it can be self-administered safely however often you need it. Less of a logistical nightmare than opening these mass vax sites multiple times a year. Rough timeline is around a year from now or maybe a touch longer to get them out to the public.

Still very early of course and needs to be tested in humans before any declaration of victory. But nerds are hopeful.