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OT: Coronavirus Resources - and other things to not worry about

My response when confronted during the trucker protest seemed to work quite well. I just politely said “ Thanks, but I prefer to keep it on” and kept on walking.
Honestly, and I've never really felt this way before, a swift punch in the mouth seems most appropriate. But doubt that ever occurs.

I can straight up guarantee that if a stranger reaches for my face in public, I'm hitting them. I didn't allow my personal space to get fucked with like that before covid and I'm not starting now.
Looks like public transit in Toronto will still be requiring it so I’m pleased with that. Work hasn’t said anything to us yet.
I refused to take public transit when I lived in Toronto. I would walk bike or skateboard for 2 hours rather than get on a train filled with people that might have tuberculosis. Back in the early 00's is a resurgence of tuberculosis in homeless shelters. There's nothing I hated more than being on a train with somebody staggering around knowing that they don't have sanitation and likely may have been exposed to it.
for the record if someonoe tears your mask off you are fully in your rights to tear a piece of their clothing off.
Had 2 people say some variation of "I can't wait for tomorrow" / "looking forward to next week" so far today.

Why, what's happening next week?

No more masks!!

Hurray, let's get rid of the easiest tiniest thing we can do to limit spread of the fucking plague right when cases are surging around the world.
The parents at pickup were talking about how exciting this is and how they were going to burn the kids masks this weekend. Well yay, as those masks were probably never cleaned and cared for properly and are biohazards, but seriously. Your kids rent vaxxed yet due to age. Use your fucking brain.
Another nice treatment.

Low cost, safe and just requires a single one and done injection. This is very promising and I'd be curious to see how well these treatments prevent longer term symptoms.

Shows how long it takes for this shit to play out though. I remember this was brought up as a potential treatment back in fucking April/May of 2020. Finally got a proper study to confirm its success.
My Chiropractor said he was approached in a grocery store by an anti-masker who just went "baaaaaah-baaaaaah". I told him he should have turned around and told him to dial down his intake of livestock dewormer.
Another nice treatment.

Low cost, safe and just requires a single one and done injection. This is very promising and I'd be curious to see how well these treatments prevent longer term symptoms.

Shows how long it takes for this shit to play out though. I remember this was brought up as a potential treatment back in fucking April/May of 2020. Finally got a proper study to confirm its success.

First real treatment that we've seen proof of working on vaccinated folks for the record. This is big. Important to note that these are high risk patients so net benefits may be less for others and it's unlikely to be approved for everyone at least initially. I still think a lot of these treatments should be tested for prevention of long covid. Would be great if we all had something we could take with minimal side effects that reduces our long-term risks.

Early treatment looks even better:


Just to give an idea of how much this disease has been defanged... Some napkin math:

  • In this particular cohort we're looking at likely a roughly 12% hospitalization rate if unvaxxed based on the data provided and assuming vaccines give ~50-60% protection from hospitalization if infected
  • Vaccines drop it to 5.6% as seen in the placebo arm (84% were vaxxed so it's hard to know how many hospitalized were vaxxed so it may be a lil less but napkin math, folks)
  • This product, if given with 3 days of symptoms, could potentially drop it to ~2%
  • This is a different mechanism than something like Paxlovid, which if given as well to high risk patients as a combo treatment, can likely even FURTHER defang it

We are slowly making the acute phase of this disease entirely manageable. Long covid is the final, and most difficult piece of the puzzle.
NS listened to the doctors (sort of) and in an about-face announced that they will be keeping masking in schools until at least mid-April. so that is something