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OT: Coronavirus Resources - and other things to not worry about

this is where i'm definitely a wuss.

I love a good portage and all but lugging around a giant pack for days through the forest is just not my thing at all. My bro keeps wanting to do the big hike and i just don't get the attraction.
yeah after growing up doing basically only canoe trips my first multi-day hike was a bit of a kick in the dick.

but like anything, once you learn the tricks and strategies to make it more enjoyable, then it can be really awesome.

and if I'm being honest I never really got into it until my exchange in NZ, where it was super duper easy cause they had huts everywhere and incredible infrastructure.

one fun part of long hiking trips is that your pack also gets progressively lighter every day!
yeah at the bare minimum you need a good constant vista to enthrall you. hiking through a forest up here doesn't hjave that tho, while anytime you're in a canoe in one of our parks you're getting scenery out the yin yang.
Ya Algonquin and most of the Ontario stuff is much better by canoe than hiking I think, unless you're into endless dense woods. Although some of the big multi day hikes on the north side of Superior and Huron look pretty awesome as far as beautiful vistas.

I'm sure the rockies has some good stuff but I don't fuck wth grizzlies.

South island New Zealand, Scottish Highlands, and north shore of Kauai are all on the to do list.
Ya Algonquin and most of the Ontario stuff is much better by canoe than hiking I think, unless you're into endless dense woods. Although some of the big multi day hikes on the north side of Superior and Huron look pretty awesome as far as beautiful vistas.

I'm sure the rockies has some good stuff but I don't fuck wth grizzlies.

South island New Zealand, Scottish Highlands, and north shore of Kauai are all on the to do list.
Can also find bears trying to eat ur dick off near Killarney + French river parks. Nice AF area. But bears.
Ya Algonquin and most of the Ontario stuff is much better by canoe than hiking I think, unless you're into endless dense woods. Although some of the big multi day hikes on the north side of Superior and Huron look pretty awesome as far as beautiful vistas.

I'm sure the rockies has some good stuff but I don't fuck wth grizzlies.

South island New Zealand, Scottish Highlands, and north shore of Kauai are all on the to do list.
Pukaskwa coastal trail is on my list. Otherwise agree that Ontario backcountry is best in a canoe or kayak.
yeah at the bare minimum you need a good constant vista to enthrall you. hiking through a forest up here doesn't hjave that tho, while anytime you're in a canoe in one of our parks you're getting scenery out the yin yang.
this is true, but part of the reward when hiking is earning your views.
Ya Algonquin and most of the Ontario stuff is much better by canoe than hiking I think, unless you're into endless dense woods. Although some of the big multi day hikes on the north side of Superior and Huron look pretty awesome as far as beautiful vistas.

I'm sure the rockies has some good stuff but I don't fuck wth grizzlies.

South island New Zealand, Scottish Highlands, and north shore of Kauai are all on the to do list.
NZ has tons of great hiking on both islands! Although the south is definitely more spectacular. If you end up going hit me up, I was there almost six months.

Right now I have at least three Canadian multi-day hikes on my to do list: Gros Morne Long Range Traverse, the North Coast Trail in BC, and Lake Pukaskwa in ON.

Had everything booked for the North Coast Trail back in 2016 but then I concussed myself and had to cancel.
almost wishing for a covid outbreak if it meant not having to read through all of this nonsense
You may get your wish! We may finally move on from omicron once the WHO designates a name for this one. This one has potential to make a huge, huge impact with that kind of immune escape. Buckle up!

This one's for the denialists like mbow. First variant with potential for another omicron mass infection wave since omicron. Or maybe it's shit at spreading. But at the very least it's gonna evade the fuck out of people's immunity as it's very distinct.

Has there ever been any actual evidence supporting lab leak?

I am quite literally not aware of even a single shred of objective evidence supporting the lab leak…yet half of americans believe it now…

Maybe it had already been reported elsewhere but if that thread is accurate that's a ton of lab-leak killing information that should have been out there long ago....(not that you'd ever kill all the them, but it's a quick and easy knock down retort for normies had they been aware of it)
Maybe it had already been reported elsewhere but if that thread is accurate that's a ton of lab-leak killing information that should have been out there long ago....(not that you'd ever kill all the them, but it's a quick and easy knock down retort for normies had they been aware of it)
while that's true, my counterpoint would be that this quick and easy knockdown retort was never necessary since there has never been any actual evidence to begin with. basically just a big, unsupported conspiracy theory that was lapped up by the anti-China mules.
also, for anyone interested in that kinda thing, highly recommend Cape Chignecto, assuming the trails survived the hurricane/downpour recently. A 2-4 day hike along the coast of the Minas Basin in the Bay of Fundy. stunning vistas all along the coast. steep terrain though. campsites are fucking gorgeous. I've done it a couple times so can give the lowdown for anyone interested. plenty of established campsites to choose from, and day trips are doable, you just miss the best scenery.
while that's true, my counterpoint would be that this quick and easy knockdown retort was never necessary since there has never been any actual evidence to begin with. basically just a big, unsupported conspiracy theory that was lapped up by the anti-China mules.

I mean that completely ignores the obvious connection people will make between where the outbreak occurred and where the Lab is…..that alone is enough to instantly make the majority of people believe it’s likely…..to the point of becoming the defacto assumption for your average Joe.

Hell, even John Stewart was all in on it.
I mean that completely ignores the obvious connection people will make between where the outbreak occurred and where the Lab is…..that alone is enough to instantly make the majority of people believe it’s likely…..to the point of becoming the majority of peoples defacto stance the moment they hear it.

Hell, even John Stewart was all in on it.
you're right, I just overestimate people's critical thinking skills.