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OT: Coronavirus Resources - and other things to not worry about

I have a cold but didn’t test positive for Covid so I genuinely feel ripped off
Looks like our son (21 months old) has COVID. He had his initial vaccine a year ago but his appointment for booster was supposed to be this week.

Shits going around fast right now.
seems like half my office has/had it. somehow I have emerged unscathed despite being one of only three folks who are here Mon-Fri...
Got my covid booster a month and a bit ago. Went to a leafs game with my buddy 2 weeks ago on a friday night (vs calgary), the Tuesday afternoon he texts me and says he has covid and feels terrible (his 1st covid infection). Meanwhile I don't get it... must have been dumb luck
Got my covid booster a month and a bit ago. Went to a leafs game with my buddy 2 weeks ago on a friday night (vs calgary), the Tuesday afternoon he texts me and says he has covid and feels terrible (his 1st covid infection). Meanwhile I don't get it... must have been dumb luck
yeah I spent 4 hours on a plane across the aisle from a colleague who had covid (and was symptomatic) at the time. I wore a mask but still...
booster is a pretty good match this year (at least until the new variant becomes dominant later in December/early January) so that might have saved you truejaysfan.. although he could have caught it from taking a piss or something when you weren't around, too. public washrooms are cesspools of covid.
booster is a pretty good match this year (at least until the new variant becomes dominant later in December/early January) so that might have saved you truejaysfan.. although he could have caught it from taking a piss or something when you weren't around, too. public washrooms are cesspools of covid.
He could have but we took the train together, had dinner, sat next to each other, went out for drinks post game and uber dropped him off before taking me home.
Brought to you by: Dr. Presto after a brief hiatus

When herd immunity doesn't quite go as planned. A few countries in a similar spot right now.

View: https://twitter.com/Jean__Fisch/status/1727699178921263178?t=vppMSo2wqCYzG1xGexmEsw&s=19

Sweden and their supposed herd immunity are getting ass blasted as well:

View attachment 18546

Also here in Ontario we're on the verge of the end of the omicron era. JN.1 should be dominant by Christmas or New Year's. It will be different, unknown about whether it will be more or less severe; it has just become dominant in a couple countries, so far no real alarm bells and some vague anecdotes from hospitals about a very distinct symptom profile (it doesn't sound great but anecdata is just anecdata). Though the later omicron lineages have clearly been more nasty than the og omicron. Immunity has generally kept things clinically mild per infection and that probably continues with the new variant. But still mostly unknown as it is a pretty distinct lineage to the point where it's almost a new virus all together much like Omicron was.

As a whole many nerds were hoping for the mutational rate of covid to slow down a bit as the population obtained immunity, however it appears to have picked up according to one recent study. This will have implications on the hope that it one day becomes truly seasonal. It clearly thrives in colder, drier weather but it's still around in fairly significant numbers 12 months a year, largely because of how quickly this thing mutates and evades prior immunity so the pool of susceptibles will always be quite high. It mutates around 3x faster than the flu right now so that's gonna result in more nonstop waves all year and on avg 1 infection every ~1.2 years for each person (will obviously vary depending on how one behaves, where they work, etc).

Didn't read any of that. Get a ****ing life nerd.
He could have but we took the train together, had dinner, sat next to each other, went out for drinks post game and uber dropped him off before taking me home.
you've had covid before too right? prior immunity + the booster has to be pretty decent short-term protection. but i still maintain that washrooms = covid heaven, especially with all the covid infested shit particles floating in the air. it's one of the more common modes of transmission.
Didn't read any of that. Get a ****ing life nerd.

Fucking Preston

End of the omicron era coming after 2 years with JN.1, which is an estimated 14-25% of cases in Ontario right now. Evades immunity quite significantly and will create a pretty large wave. The hope is that the virus continues to evolve to become milder as omicron did. Early indications in France shows that probably isn't the case.

View: https://twitter.com/JPWeiland/status/1735089868747735296?t=JNjf_hsgiGbijtIm5Or6tQ&s=19

Probably won't be as crazy as omicron was early on but it's clearly saying "fuck your immunity" to many folks out there.
I just got a double shot of XBB and flu vaxx yesterday ... probably shedding glow in the dark 5G magnetic waves right now.

Hopefully it helps with this latest variant.
Just finishing getting over Covid round 2. This one was way less problematic than the first for me. Mostly a nasty cough that won’t go away with some brain fog.
Blegh just tested positive for round 2 myself. Mostly congestion and sinus pain with a fever. Got it right around this time last year.
I got my vax last Friday. No sore arm, no fever, but sore throat turned into a cough and mild stuffy nose and extra fatigue

Pffuck you Pfizer!!!