David Price is actually worth every penny of his contract. He put up 12.5 war in 2014 + 2015 combined. That's INSANE. You are looking at about 8m/war, and there is sometimes a premium for pitchers. If he even brings 1 world series to Boston it's worth it. They needed a front of the line starter. Only toronto fans can justify in their brains that this wasn't worth it when it was in fact. They just paid most likely a 1.5 war pitcher Happ 12m. Price is 3.5x more valuable than Happ. Price actually gives them a legitimate shot at the division this year and let's not forget by 30 years he's he's a 5 time all star, cy young winner + several time runner up cy young winner. It may be 1 year too long, but they will more than make up their money for it in the first 4-5 years alone, easily. Boston knows how to win, Toronto doesn't, even if they give out crappy contracts to hanram/panda (who both should rebound) they will still win before Toronto. I don't even see Toronto winning anytime soon, they have 0 prospects left and won't spend at the same level as NYY/Boston, they are donezo. They have good hitting and ok D. That's about it, and they had that last year too and now their team is just older.