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OT: Movies/TV Shows

Yeah they left it deliberately ambiguous - like it may have been real, but likelier just stress related (he's a pretty intense perfectionist himself, but then the breakup triggers it i think and iirc it would worsen because of the stress Jimmy put him under too).
It’s odd that they didn’t have any part of the story focus on the trigger. Like the first time he goes wacko over electricity around him.
I watched s1 but didn’t ever get back into it. Might have to check it out. I watched Titans and it wasn’t that good after s1 so I got thrown off a bit. Great reviews for Doom Patrol.
Yeah, we watched an episode or two of Titans and it was shit. Doom Patrol was really good though.
Didn’t Jimmy conclusively prove that Chuck’s condition wasn’t real and was all in his head when he slipped that phone battery into Chuck’s pocket without him knowing before putting him on the stand?

And my impression/recollection was that Chuck’s condition was triggered by Jimmy becoming a lawyer. Sort of an unconscious manifestation of the intense worry he felt about the damage Jimmy could do as a lawyer. And about the rage he felt when thinking that Jimmy would take his life’s passion (the law) and turn it into another vehicle for his scams.
Didn’t Jimmy conclusively prove that Chuck’s condition wasn’t real and was all in his head when he slipped that phone battery into Chuck’s pocket without him knowing before putting him on the stand?

And my impression/recollection was that Chuck’s condition was triggered by Jimmy becoming a lawyer. Sort of an unconscious manifestation of the intense worry he felt about the damage Jimmy could do as a lawyer. And about the rage he felt when thinking that Jimmy would take his life’s passion (the law) and turn it into another vehicle for his scams.
Yeah, Jimmy proved it was a mental thing that day. And frankly Chuck proved it before him when he could somehow hold himself together for hours at a time for meetings that he thought were critical to attend in the outside world, and then as soon as the meeting was over, oh, he would faint or fall over.

They never really showed the cause. I figured it would come up later in some flashback but it's too far in for them to revisit that now, I think. We know it was after Jimmy passing the bar and also after the breakup, but I've always been sort of waiting for that one episode where they dive into that literal first day Chuck started with his complaints. I find it really odd they haven't done that, because the writing is so impeccable.

Really, the writing on BB and BCS are probably up there with the most well done in tv history. Really good stories, really believable interactions and dialogue, and most important to me, not many dumb shit loose ends or things that make no logical sense. Just as a scene starts to go in a direction like that, and I start thinking to myself "wait, if that's the case, then why...", the very next line uttered by the other character is basically "wait, if that's the case, then why...". Really well done.

And the acting is so good. Odenkirk is pretty perfect for his part. I've always hated Michael McKean but have to say he was perfect for Chuck. Jonathan Banks as Mike. Nacho. Tuco. Hector. The Chicken Man. And Lalo the new addition is fucking off the wall good with his psycho routine (happened to read in an episode review that when Saul first meets Walt and Jesse in BB, and they abduct him and take him to some grave, Saul starts going off about whether Lalo sent them, which is awesome even though I can't remember it anymore). And the way they mix serious with comedic elements is fantastic. The one weak link, and not even so weak, maybe I just dislike her, but Kim. She's got a grating voice and not all that attractive. I had the same issue with the one female lead in BB too, as I thought Skylar could've been better with a different actress.

Oh, I will say the one thing that doesn't make any sense and does bug me is his whole I'm using "Saul Goodman" as my alias to practice law. I think he says it's a DBA at some point. There's very clear and explicit rules about not being able to practice law under an alias or some fake DBA. If Jimmy actually legally changed his name to Saul, that would be fine, but the way he was just telling the Bar to put his license under a different name was pretty odd and unrealistic. Not sure why they did it that way.
it's Crash-level bad.
First of all, SLP was a good movie, and I'm not even an Eagles fan.

Second, which Crash are you talking about? The 2004 film directed by Paul Haggis which was excellent or the 1996 film directed by David Cronenberg which was a 2 hour WTF exercise?
I always expected them to get around to that background story and I fully expected it to be at least partly Jimmy's fault.
Brings up an interesting point I’ve had rattling around in there while watching.

I saw this video online that posed the question of whether the cancer “killed” the good Walter White and thereby created the bad Walter White/Heisenberg, or did the cancer just give the latent bad Walt that was always there an excuse to get out? The way BB progressed, it felt to me like the latter. He continued with the new persona long after he was in remission and made more money than he could ever need.

But with Jimmy, I feel the opposite. Feels like he was a good guy who had one bad luck, bad judgment incident take his life off track, but then he cleaned up his act and worked his way from the bottom to respectability, only to have Chuck put obstacles in his path and sabotage him at every turn. After getting put through one rotten circumstance after another, he just sort of gradually snaps and leaves good Jimmy behind and becomes “Saul”, even though he still seems to have a bit of a conscience.
I've never watched breaking bad, but I think I just read the book
I thought all of us had seen BB by now. Sorry about that. But literally nothing has been spoiled. Everything mentioned so far is either basically known by the first episode or never gets addressed. Hurry up and get started now.