Well-known member
It’s not the whole ending, at least not for me. There was a lot of build-up to him ending up in that courtroom, most of which I liked. And whether his 180 happened or not, the series was going to end up with him in jail.
So, that one part doesn’t entirely ruin the ending for me, even if I didn’t love it.
For the end to ring true, it has to make sense. The character's motivation has to be consistent. This is sort of like the final seasons of GOT where they were magically getting from one end of the earth to the other in one episode - like, how did we just get here from there? That's what the Jimmy awakening was for me - like, what the fuck just happened and where did this just fucking come from? He had just finished putting on a callous performance in front of Hank's widow of all people to convince the group that he had zero good left in him and would maybe walk if they didn't give him a sweetheart deal. He gets the best he can get, finds out Kim fucked him out of his ace in the hole, and throws it all away for no one's benefit, not his or Kim's? I wish I wasn't posting about this, because although I was left feeling like it ended with a thud, the more I think about it, the worse I think it was.