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OT: Movies/TV Shows

It’s not the whole ending, at least not for me. There was a lot of build-up to him ending up in that courtroom, most of which I liked. And whether his 180 happened or not, the series was going to end up with him in jail.

So, that one part doesn’t entirely ruin the ending for me, even if I didn’t love it.
For the end to ring true, it has to make sense. The character's motivation has to be consistent. This is sort of like the final seasons of GOT where they were magically getting from one end of the earth to the other in one episode - like, how did we just get here from there? That's what the Jimmy awakening was for me - like, what the fuck just happened and where did this just fucking come from? He had just finished putting on a callous performance in front of Hank's widow of all people to convince the group that he had zero good left in him and would maybe walk if they didn't give him a sweetheart deal. He gets the best he can get, finds out Kim fucked him out of his ace in the hole, and throws it all away for no one's benefit, not his or Kim's? I wish I wasn't posting about this, because although I was left feeling like it ended with a thud, the more I think about it, the worse I think it was.
Maybe their cameos weren't representative but even in these brief scenes it just reinforced to me how much better the characters on Saul are.
Breaking Bad is a masterpiece. It's really insane that you think the spinoff of a show from the same creators is the greatest thing of all time, but you're uninterested in the acclaimed series that started everything off. Just because of the ending, BB ends up being the better show for me. Saul was great, but that final turn damaged its overall score for me.
Jesse, I agree. I thought he was highly overrated on Breaking Bad. Walt? Eh. Debatable. His character development and the depth in his character was comparable to Saul's IMO. I just think he really really sucked in the Saul show and it was not representative of much IMO.

But Kim was far and away better than any secondary character in BB. She was phenomenal as Saul's "Jesse".
I thought Kim was the weakest actor out of everyone on Saul, but good enough for her part. I thought Skyler was a really bad pick to play Walt's wife and the worst actor on BB. Vince could do better with casting female leads.

Also, I thought Jesse was very good for his role. The nature of his character is to be a bit grating. He's a kid, in over his head with this lunatic, and getting pushed further and further into the abyss. I thought Paul did a good job with it and they had a great rapport with each other throughout the show.
And regarding Kim, let's just keep remembering several scenes where Jimmy tries to get her off of the Howard plan. First he sort of ignores it. Then he says okay but tries to get her off of the idea, doesn't really think she's serious. Even at the last moment, where that mediator had a cast and the plan looked like it was over, Jimmy wanted to abort and Kim was adamant that no, it had to continue and they would carry it out no matter what. It's so unsatisfying that she gets to walk away from it all. I thought for sure Lalo would kill her at some point, and that would've been the best end for her. Even killing her in front of Jimmy right after killing Howard, to make the scene just absolutely gut wrenching for Jimmy. Ultimately, there was little value to Kim leaving for several episodes, starting some bullshit life elsewhere, and then getting triggered to confess the whole thing, and then get zero punishment out of it.
Ahhh I disagree strongly that Kim was weak. She was incredible. Jesse was good, just overrated.
I shouldn't say she was weak. She was good, but I don't think she had much likeability to her.

Edit - I still do think she was the weakest actor out of everyone, but not weak on an objective individual basis. Like, Lalo was incredible, Gus was great like always, Mike was fantastic, etc. She's definitely down the pecking order. Especially because their supporting picks were all so good. That nerdy pharma guy playing drug dealing gangster in S1 for instance, that was fucking incredible acting for that bit part. Francesca was really good. Tuco. Oh, and Nacho was fucking amazing. Not to mention Hector. Haha, I mean, what a goldmine of fantastic actors. So yeah, she was weakest and very one-note out of these incredible performances.
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I'm not sure the show would have been half as good if Kim was actually weak. She was one of the two main key drivers to the show being elite as fuck. LOF is nutso.
Again, I'm not saying she's weak, although I do think she's very one-note, sort of stays within a limited range. But she's definitely not as good an actor as any of those others I mentioned.
Hard to explain, but I think Mike's character was supposed to be one note. He didn't really have any reason to get overly excited or angry about anything. He was supposed to be cold, hard, and lifeless to some extent. But Kim had many moments of happiness, anger, and depression, and I don't think there was much of a difference in her in any of them, just sort of slid a bit further up or down her range, but overall whether she was happy or sad, always came off as just very cold and emotionless.
How is she even one note?

She's a ball breaking badass corporate attorney and a salt of the earth public defender and she has great fun doing shady hijinks as well.
How is she even one note?

She's a ball breaking badass corporate attorney and a salt of the earth public defender and she has great fun doing shady hijinks as well.
She's always reserved, uptight, stiff, emotionless, without any real spark in her eyes. I dunno, her acting is fine for a depressive character type, but I didn't really love her. I think the only part she can really play is the stern, serious type.
Also disagree with LOF’s take that the actress who played Skyler wasn’t good.

I didn’t personally find her character likeable (overbearing, socially conservative suburban housewife), but she did a fantastic acting job portraying that character.

The other thing that gets her hate is that her character opposes Walt, when a large part of the audience is cheering for him and misses the point that Walt is actually the bad guy of the story.

He’s a selfish amoral prick that constantly gaslights her and pushes her away until she reaches her breaking point. And the actress also does a great job portraying that downward spiral.