I mean...did that hurt him or did making mediocre movies during that period of his career hurt him? A month after the couch jump War of the Worlds dropped and did 600M internationally and it was shit. MI3 was mediocre and did 400M (MI2 sucked and did 550, MI4 was excellent and did 700M). Lions & Lambs sucked and bombed.
It was one of the weaker periods of his career for quality of what was dropping.
Will is going to be fine. Emancipation will probably be very good (Will can act his ass off) but take a PR/box office shit kicking for being a Will project and that will be his pennance. He's got a Nicky Barnes biopicish black crime project that will probably attract a bunch of attention (and should have an excellent story), and then Bad Boys 4 because nostalgia is a hell of a drug.