I will get banned again soon, worry not.
If it's warm enough to wear shorts, it's too warm to wear a touque.
If it's warm enough to wear shorts, it's too warm to wear a touque.
And there was also a time when I might have seen your point but we now live in a world where white people are trying to tell us that slavery was beneficial to slaves and that the Confederacy was made up of honorable people. I don't want people to watch period pieces in which there is 21st century diversity. I want people to see the world as it really was so that no one is under any illusions, especially if it's a historical drama about the time when certain people today would say that America was "great".I think there was a time I might have agreed, caring about historical accuracy all the way down, but in 2023 I think the value of having as much representation on screen as possible, particularly with a disregard to oppressive/caste roles in a given society supersedes that.
I don’t want minorities having to think about their peoples oppression or lack of upward mobility in every single period piece they watch…..I’m glad if there are roles filled by people who they can identify with, and see themselves in on screen. That outweighs any value “historical accuracy” might provide me.
End of the day, none of these actors look identical to the historical figures they’re portraying….Olivia Coleman looks nothing like Queen Elizabeth….and Claire Foy looks like neither of them. Their nose, eyes, voice, lips, forehead are all different….but we can easily suspend disbelief and believe they are the Queen when we watch the Crown.
….if I can do that, I can go one step further and also ignore skin colour. Especially if we’re talking about who were/weren’t courtiers, courtesans, etc.
we now live in a world where white people are trying to tell us that slavery was beneficial to slaves and that the Confederacy was made up of honorable people.
Yes, but on the other hand phony diversity in historical films makes it look like minorities had it good back in the day. The important historical lesson is that there was no diversity in the so-called "good ol days."no one would love removing minorities from those roles, and replacing them with white people….more than those exact people you speak of.
Book was betterSeeing a lot of 30 th anniversary stories about the Fugitive. That's one really great action film.
Never caught any of the reruns on TV but I do remember the old Letterman skits parody of the show (though at the time I really didn't get the reference to the old series):Seeing a lot of 30 th anniversary stories about the Fugitive. That's one really great action film.
Yeah god forbid some 20 something woman didn't fully understand the legalese (or care to) in a document prepared by the most expensive lawyers for her celebrity husband.