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OT: Movies/TV Shows

""I was put on… an ECMO machine, which does all the breathing for your heart and your lungs. And that's called a Hail Mary. No one survives that."
Perry was first admitted to the hospital from opioid overuse. He battled gastrointestinal perforation, which caused his colon to burst.

The actor spent two weeks in a coma and five months at the hospital, while having to use a colostomy bag for nine months, the outlet noted.

You usually don't live till 80 when your body is that damaged.
Matthew Perry had just played two hours of pickle ball prior to heading home and hitting the jacuzzi, too…so while it’s great he’d gotten back to that level of health, people with bodies that wrecked as Jack points out, are gonna be more likely to have a cardiac event.
""I was put on… an ECMO machine, which does all the breathing for your heart and your lungs. And that's called a Hail Mary. No one survives that."
Perry was first admitted to the hospital from opioid overuse. He battled gastrointestinal perforation, which caused his colon to burst.

The actor spent two weeks in a coma and five months at the hospital, while having to use a colostomy bag for nine months, the outlet noted.

You usually don't live till 80 when your body is that damaged.
He was also terribly overweight again and his body was already in shambles from all his past medical problems. Seeing his recent interviews when promoting his book, it didn’t look like this was a guy in good shape. It’s a shame. He was a very good looking and likable guy with a ton of money, with his life a total train wreck because of his shitty addictions.
""I was put on… an ECMO machine, which does all the breathing for your heart and your lungs. And that's called a Hail Mary. No one survives that."
Perry was first admitted to the hospital from opioid overuse. He battled gastrointestinal perforation, which caused his colon to burst.

The actor spent two weeks in a coma and five months at the hospital, while having to use a colostomy bag for nine months, the outlet noted.

You usually don't live till 80 when your body is that damaged.
I've always wondered how so many movies that are so similar get made at the same time. This is a pretty good list of 16 "Underrated 1990s Movies Overshadowed By Their More Successful Twin Film"

Pretty sure Perry said on Kimmel one time that he used to beat up Trudeau as a kid.
He said that he and a friend beat up Trudeau (who is a couple of years younger than Perry) one time for reasons he can't even remember. He never beat him (or any other kid) up on any sort of regular basis.

Will be interesting to see how much of his net worth goes towards this, as one would have to assume that’s how he’d want the majority of him money spent, given he had no kids.

Would be kinda great if his Friends co-stars collectively picked up the mantle to help run/fundraise for it in honour of his legacy.

Can’t recall what interview it was, but he mentioned how much prouder he’d be if his legacy was remembered for helping addicts rather than for Friends, conceding he knew Friends would always be the first line in his obit.

If people picked up this project for him tho, his money + their collective star power, could easily make this a Betty Ford type initiative where his name is remembered more for the help it provided rather than for its namesakes celebrity, alone.