Time & data will prove the overlooking of the "nostalgia factor". There's a sizable generation of voters for whom PET was god on earth - my parents being two of them. They voted with their hearts....Holy ****.
Time & data will prove the overlooking of the "nostalgia factor". There's a sizable generation of voters for whom PET was god on earth - my parents being two of them. They voted with their hearts....
People dissed Trudeau so much: just not ready but nice hair!
This is so awesome!arty:
But I tell ya, those bloopers will be fun to watch...He's still not ready.
He's still not ready.
Regression to the mean - that's traditional Canadian voting trend.What is funny is how the vote is segregated.
Liberals vote highly concentrated in the east.
Conservator's votes are highly concentrated in the plains
Npd is spread out to the east and west.
He's still not ready.
He's still not ready.