The stimulus wouldn't have been too small had the big banks not decided to use the money to pay out their executive bonuses. Obama should have let them all fail or, at the very least, have mandated government oversight into how the stimulus money was used. Frankly I don't know why the government should care whether some big multinational fails or not. In reality, these companies are only marginally "American" anyway. All the jobs were outsourced to China a long time ago and, in the end, that is what will be the death of the US: the fact that they no longer manufacture a damn thing anymore. It's all done in China and China isn't under US control. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Back in the 50's when America was enjoying the greatest period of prosperity in its history, the richest citizens were taxed at a rate of 91% and 1/3 of the overall workforce was unionized. Corporations employed American workers and actually paid their taxes. Today many corporations pay little or no taxes and they long ago broke the unions and shipped all the jobs overseas. The richest citizens are taxed at less than 50% (and they still bitch) The wealth gap continues to widen and the only reason it doesn't look as bad as it actually is is because people have more access to credit than they did in the past. But all that does is delay the inevitable.
Today's GOP wants to defund the government so that it can't do anything and what money it does get goes to the military at the expense of nearly every other program. The empire is in decline and like all empires before the same fate will befall the US. It's only a matter of how long it's going to take. I fear that we will live long enough to witness the end.
Better brush up on your cantonese.