Paywall, but I'm going to assume H2S ends up being the culprit. Can be naturally occurring in any geologically active area. Does not take a lot to kill people and is heavier than air, so can easily evacuate a low lying area or depression of oxygen. Smells fucking terrible but in moderate concentrations almost immediately burns out your sense of smell (so it hits you once and smells gross but in subsequent breaths it's not "there" anymore) and in high concentrations, one breath is enough to put you out immediately.
Humans haven’t developed mutations or superpowers just yet, but a new study shows our species is still evolving in unique ways and changes in natural selection […]
If Jeremy is lucky, perhaps the judge will take into account all the good he did, like giving out of shape, socially inept, dateless men a glimmer of hope that someday they too might also get laid like this everyman was getting over the course of over 1000 porn movies.
I'm in an online group with someone living on the "west bank", wherever the fuck that is down there and he's being told to expect to be 45 days without power.
I'm in an online group with someone living on the "west bank", wherever the fuck that is down there and he's being told to expect to be 45 days without power.
Yeah seems like they lost some key stuff from the grid but the flooding apparently has been minimized so generators should be able to take care of the power problem.