Wayward DP
Well-known member
it is entirely within your control whether you continue posting about the things a VICTIM of sexual misfeasance should or should not have done in the encounter.I was raised to know the difference between what is within my control and what is outside my control. I was taught that I am responsible for all the stuff that is within my control. So my decision-making process in a given situation was subject to judgement from the outside and self-evaluation from the inside. I was held to a standard of behavior and so were most people I grew up with.
I also did 8 years in Catholic elementary school so being judgey is pretty much second nature.
Back in the 50's when my father was a teenager, he wanted to buy a leather jacket. My grandfather told him that wasn't a good idea because he would look like a hoodlum. My father said "But I'm not a hoodlum. You know that." to which my grandfather replied "You know you're not a hoodlum and I know you're not a hoodlum. But if you wear that jacket people who don't know you are going to take you for a hoodlum and treat you like one. So just because you know you aren't won't matter. You will be judged by how you look to others." My dad replied "But that isn't fair!" To which my grandfather simply said "What's fair doesn't matter. It's just how it is. Life isn't always fair."
When I was a teenager, a popular thing for kids to do was hang out at the mall. I, however, was not allowed to do this. I could go to the mall if I had a reason to be there, but not just to hang around. "People who hang around malls", my father explained, "are bored and will eventually either look for trouble or trouble will find them. I know you aren't the type of kid who looks for trouble so the best thing you can do for yourself is to not put yourself in a situation where trouble can find you."
The father of that girl in Sweden should have told her that the quickest way for her to find trouble was to volunteer to be some hockey player's piece of trim. She has now learned this the hard way.
that you continue to harp and pile on a 19-year old continues to reflect poorly upon you.
but I'm not sure if you can or are willing to control yourself so here we are...