I have no problem with Liz as a person and she was exemplary at her job, which she put ahead of everything else, including her family and herself, because, well, that was the job. I have no issues with how she did the job my issue is with the fact that such a job still exists in 2022, at least in the way it exists in Britain.
Seven decades on the job buys you a lot of gravitas and that plus a lot of "stiff upper lip" has sustained the monarchy because anything less than that and it probably would have died out years ago, certainly in the wake of public opinion following the death of Diana. But now that she's gone, I doubt that any of her heirs can keep the ball rolling much longer. They all have very public personal failings of character on their resumes and those things alone will prevent any of them from having the mystique and veneer of near-perfection that Liz was able to cultivate in the pre-smart phone era. Those recorded conversations between Chuck and Camilla, where he said he wanted to live in her pants, are never going away. Neither is Andrew's life of sleaze or Harry's poor choice of Hallowe'en costume or the public rift between him and his older brother, the next King, over his choice of wife.
All the remaining royals are debased in a way that Elizabeth never was. Consequently, they can never attain the same level of respect that she did among the common people.