already haveUnfortunately team orca would eventually lose as the asshole humans would just make them endangered or extinct. Bet on it.
they've always been this badass!i love how orcas were just some weird funky whale most of my life and now it turns out they're smarter than dolphins and tougher than sharks and might just rule the planet.
This is interesting because:
1. one of the biblical plagues god supposedly cast on egypt in the old testament was turning the nile to blood. (also, the other plagues of insects and frogs were actually annual springflood - so all the plagues could likely be attributed to a particularly harsh flood year).
2. turning the nile to blood, along with the Israel situation, is defenitely gonna feed the evangelical's armaggeddon narrative.
This is interesting because:
1. one of the biblical plagues god supposedly cast on egypt in the old testament was turning the nile to blood. (also, the other plagues of insects and frogs were actually annual springflood - so all the plagues could likely be attributed to a particularly harsh flood year).
2. turning the nile to blood, along with the Israel situation, is defenitely gonna feed the evangelical's armaggeddon narrative.
lol boomer got fooled
It's the Nile and not in Egypt, but Chile. It's a type of algae.
You mean you aren't old enough to remember this cheap rip-off of "Jaws" with Richard Harris, Charlotte Rampling and Bo Derek? Godless killing machines, those orcas. Apparently they can hold a grude.i love how orcas were just some weird funky whale most of my life and now it turns out they're smarter than dolphins and tougher than sharks and might just rule the planet.