LOF is a good egg.... Its a great board, I had to come back to it. Good peeps. But from my amateurish standpoint, there aren't a ton of posters who know a lot about the NBA. But there are definitely some who really know it. No names need be mentioned.
From a totally dumb standpoint, I am stunned at the talent level in the NBA. Like everyone pretty much can play now. Its very, very entertaining to watch. Really good product.
And one opinion I have is, that we have great management with the Raps. This Nurse guy, seems to have done an absolutely solid job. A bunch of guys I have never heard of, are hitting big numbers. Very cool.
And undrafted guys, how insane is that? Is this a complete anomaly, have other teams done this, to this extent? Again, I am not an expert at all in this field. So all comments welcome.