As for Rowdy, I think there's enough there to warrant another chance. He's only 24 and has been studly at every level (sometimes it takes him a while, but was 185 wRC+ in AAA before the callup this year). His walk rate has increased from abysmal to just bad, another increase to average would be pretty huge and in line with his minor league performances. His batted ball profile is basically everything you want from a young power hitter. 84% hard or medium contact, 80% pull or centrefield. He just misses too many pitches (14.5% swstr...jeebus)
His batted ball profile is basically the same as some of the elite sluggers in the league. (He's 43rd in MLB in hard contact%). He just doesn't make enough contact overall. Looking at his plate discipline numbers, his Zone swing% (% of pitches in the zone he swings at) is really fucking low, so he's being ridiculously choosey. Too choosey. He needs to go up there and be taking about 15-20% more rips than he's currently taking. Hard rips, and let babip do the rest.
This is outside of my wheelhouse, but I wonder if there's something technical in his swing keeping him from making more contact (his zone contact rates are also terrible, so when he is swinging, he misses a lot...when he connects, he's barrelling a lot of shit).
Regardless, there is some intriguing shit in his statistics and at only 24, with his size and power I don't think you can punt on him yet. As much as I'd love Eddy back, I'd rather see him winning shit somewhere else than doing a retirement tour here winning 70 games a couple of times.