Slightly off topic but has anyone here (in Canada) got an MLBtv or MLB Extra Innings package? I'm thinking about buying but not sure what the best option is and my TV provider's website (Telus Optik) is no help.
I've read that Telus only offers MLB Extra Innings, which doesn't actually carry ALL out of market games. Most of them but not all of them. I don't know if that's true nor do I know what Telus is charging for it (or even if they actually offer it because their website is garbage)
Because I've got an Amazon TV, I am able to add rhe MLBtv app. I can get (allegedly) all out of market games for $200 Canadian. Another option is DAZN for the same money but its not clear whether they have all the games or just some of them. DAZN would be good for my yearly 6 Nations Rugby fix but otherwise it seems mostly to cater to soccer and MMA fans, two sports in which I have zero interest.
Your feedback is appreciated.