My position was 75% set before yesterday, and I was hovering, waiting to strike to add the final 25%. I don't know why, never happened before, but I panicked yesterday and sold it all, thinking I'm safest that way and I expected it to be dropping so I would just scoop up all 100% lower. It did drop a little bit, but then the Gilead news came out and it shot up afterhours and into today. So it's not fear of too large a position, just fear of buying in at the wrong time and then watching it drop down to the levels I wanted it at. And annoyance that I already had 75% when it was several points lower, and now would be establishing a position at a higher price.
My ideal scenario of course is if there's a big dip and I can buy in for less than what I was in before, but with the banks in particular, since they've been decimated already, I'm not sure if it will drop much again or if it can only go up from here. With the sandstorm of shit and all the uncertainty out there, it seems destined to drop again, but I am going to hate myself if it just keeps steadily rising from here. I've never had such paralysis when debating any previous investment.