Where the fuck are the Jewish space lasers when you need themOr the chance some military satellite in space can fire a laser and take his head right off
WTF do you expect the US to do exactly? If they get into a direct conflict with the Russians there is literally no scenario in which Putin doesn't eventually retaliate with nukes. Once that happens, we're all in the shit. Putin isn't a dotard like Trump, but he is a megalomaniac like him and he would rather push the button and annihilate the whole world than lose face. So unless or until someone in Russia frags him, the US needs to avoid a direct military confrontation with the Russians at all costs.This is honestly a fucking travesty. Putin truly is the second coming of Hitler to be so willing to butcher and burn down like this.
I'm genuinely embarrassed for America that it's standing by like this. I got my citizenship last year after 20 years here, and this thing makes me want to renounce it.
Russia has never really changed all that much. It was never an actual democracy and they have no history of anything but dictatorial rule, either by the Tsars, Stalin, or now Putin. Just because you can buy a Big Mac and a Coke in Moscow doesn't mean that much has changed since the Soviet era. Russia is essentially a competitive authoritarian regime in which only the veneer of freedom is maintained. Under the surface it's a dictatorship and in times of trouble the mask slips and people get reminded of the fact that they aren't and never were truly "free".It took less than a week to basically take russia back to 1985.
Someone who is "very savvy", apparently.What kind of lunatic bombs a nuclear power plant?