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OT: World Politics

Best parts of season 8 of GoT:

He’s pretty rad when it comes to the environment. Or so it seems.

I seem to recall that long before it was fashionable he was noted for his stance on organic gardening and farming and other environmental issues. If memory serves, he was mocked for his stance.
I am ready to be done with the monarchy. Liz was at least somewhat likeable. Charles is not. At all.

Liz’s eventual passing will definitely cause a lot of people/countries to re-evaluate why we’re still involved with the silly institution that is the British monarchy.

It’s one thing when you have the inertia of having in place a generally well-liked monarch that has been reigning for the entire living memory of the overwhelming majority of the population. It’s another when that suddenly changes and countries have to take the active step of formally recognizing a new (and not well-liked) monarch.

In Canada though, I bet we keep it in place, since no party has much appetite for spending political capital on constitutional wrangling.

Especially when that also re-opens the can of worms that is Quebec’s refusal to formally approve the constitution. Which won’t change under a separatist Quebec Premier that looks for wedge issues between English & French Canada wherever he can possibly find them.