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OT: World Politics

Shit is about to get really real.

This puts the Israeli action against Iranian weapons manufacturing in a different light as well. Also the weird US intel leak about China maybe possibly looking to provide lethal aid to Russia starts to look like a warning to the Chinese to continue sitting this shit out.

Israel won’t stand for a nuclearized Iran.
Yes shit will go down and Mossad already has a plan. Bet on it.

Doesn't matter that they've done this historically. Can't win a war in 2023 by just throwing meat at the explosions until the enemy runs out of shells. Letting that many wounded die on the battlefield is fucking atrocious. No respect for human life and beyond that, no give a fuck about keeping people with knowledge and skills necessary to fight effectively on this side of the turf. Fuck it, we'll just train new ones to fight poorly and die easily.

Fucking monsters.

Doesn't matter that they've done this historically. Can't win a war in 2023 by just throwing meat at the explosions until the enemy runs out of shells. Letting that many wounded die on the battlefield is fucking atrocious. No respect for human life and beyond that, no give a fuck about keeping people with knowledge and skills necessary to fight effectively on this side of the turf. Fuck it, we'll just train new ones to fight poorly and die easily.

Fucking monsters.

Russia treats their lack of humanity as an asset and competitive advantage.
Russia treats their lack of humanity as an asset and competitive advantage.

The thing about a meat grinder approach is that it works best in a defensive war where you get to pick terrain, use weather and numbers to your advantage. You need competent soldiers in modern warfare, even this arty based doctrine the Russians favour.
anyone else read David Frum's article about Mexico becoming alarmingly autocratic?

assume this is on your radar @MindzEye...


Yeah, I've kept an eye on it. I went in to the piece cautious given Frum's neocon background but he's pretty even handed here. AMLO's reputation as an anti democratic leftist generally gets overblown by American media but he's a bit of both to be sure. I'm skeptical that AMLO has enough time to pull off what he's accused of. There's no doubt that he's trying to push Sheinbaum as his replacement, but I'm not even sure she would win a general election (and he doesn't have enough time and power to make big changes there imo...next mexican election is summer of 2024). She's not particularly popular en la ciuidad, which should be her power base as it was AMLO's.

Frum kind of ignores some of the underlying truths that AMLO has had to deal with though. AMLO walked in to power with federal agencies that were rotten from the inside out. The Federal police were basically a training camp for future narcos once they got caught aiding narcos from the inside. Most basic functions of the federal government were hollowed out in one way or another due to base corruption and/or cartel influence. It makes a lot of sense that he turned to the military, probably the least corrupt of organizations under federal control, for functions he couldn't trust other departments to manage. I don't see insidious junta building there, I see a stone cold rational attempt to make the best of a shit sandwich.

All of that said, AMLO is a moderately dangerous twit. An obvious narcissist who has a decades long track record of over promising and massively under delivering. Someone who will do the thing he knows is stupid just because he felt the need to say it would be done for political reasons (cancelling Nieto's CDMX airport project was fucking ridiculous. It was the right project in the right location).

Mexican federal politics are broken in a way that most Canadians would struggle to even comprehend. State and Muni governments are hit and miss (quality of life in mexico varies wildly by state and municipality). I have a running pet theory that as more and more manufacturing moves to northern mexico away from China, the US government is going to end up naming Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations and that's going to be their new out in the open forever war because it's going to be necessary to protect american corporate interests in mexico. I give it 10 years there before that's the reality.
This is the death of any hope that Russia becomes anything more than a frozen north korea with oil
