I will get banned again soon, worry not.
Why does every goddamn video have to be pixilated? FFS, just show us what we want to see: Russian fascists dying.
Well, the UK already is a financial haven...for Russian oligarchs to launder money in, at least.I said similar was going to happen when I was arguing with Altair years ago. It was obvious. They export very little other than being an english language financial centre in a part of the world that's attractive, and fish. "We're going to be the new Singapore" was always hilarious. Oh your economic plan is to become an offshore tax haven that only benefits the ultra wealthy? Yeah, that's going to fund the NHS. Good luck.
I’ve seen it mentioned, and I dunno how credible this is, that Morocco is a long-term candidate for the EU. It’s probably more politically reliable than Turkey (and Hungary for that matter) and is a non-trivial destination for Spanish and French investment.
Seems unlikely, there need to be significant changes to the legal code. But still. Imagine that.
It's the fact that they weren't compelled to switch that irks me. Every other EU nation switched but the UK has to be special. It's the British version of American exceptionalism. They need to be told next time, if ever there is a next time, that they will be a member state no better or worse than any other member state. The UK stopped being "special" about 80 years ago. It's high time that their citizens accepted this fact. They need the EU more than the EU needs them.They weren’t compelled to swap the £ for the € at any time. This was a nostalgic resentment-stick-it-to-the-man, anti-immigrant and anti-London vote.
Maggie planted the seeds years ago when she screwed over the North.
to please their Russian minders?Why are people on CNN trying to say the war is not going well for Ukraine now?