Frum can't be objective about anything to do with Israel. And his take that Israel and Ukraine are essentially the same is naïve. With or without US aid, Israel isn't going anywhere and are in zero danger of losing this war. There is also no way to now call this a "defensive" war. Hamas did the one bad thing back in October and everything that has happened since has been Israel bombing, strafing, and shooting the fuck out of everything, living and inanimate, in the Gaza strip. Frankly I don't even know why we in the west even need to give the Israelis aid in the first place. They could probably lend to us more easily than we can lend to them. They ain't poor. Ukraine, on the other hand, will cease to exist unless we help them. Not the same thing at all.
I hate when journalists try to conflate Hamas with the Red Army as though they were at all alike. Gaza is a sideshow, when all is said and done. Ukraine is the whole ballgame.