I tried watching it, and had to bail halfway through it….the second hand embarassment was too much to handle.
It’s also wild just how dumb he comes across…his autism clearly benefits his intellect in some ways, but his internal logic for constructing convincing arguments is at a grade school level. It’s bizarre af.
…..side note: it’s pretty funny watching clips of Maher’s “Club Random” and hearing just how dumb he is, when he‘s (a) stoned, but mainly (b) doesn’t have his opinions researched and written out for him by his staff. Left alone on the pod, the second any conversation delves any further than the surface layer, and he’s flailing like a fish….he also has “aha” moments of some genius point he thinks he’s making….that his guest said nearly verbatim 5 minutes earlier. It can be a riveting train wreck.