It’s fascinating that by abolishing the old verification system, (which primed most of us to have some air of ‘trust’ in the author of the tweet, he’s been able to prime users to default trust those who now paid for their subscription, a bit more than they should simply because the old system seeded that in our subconscious.
and now, since blue checks get priority, when you do read something worthwhile instead of a bunch of no names saying crackpot things you’d never pay attention to….you now have them at the very top, with an air of validity to them that many users might not recognize is occurring.
case in point I was reading one of the threads someone posted on here, about the Texas shooter, and the top dozen replies we’re discussing how this guy is a plant, that it’s all psyops, Soros donated to some company hes affiliated with, and on and on…
it just blows my mind how poisoned the well is.