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Tech Thread

yeah blue checks make me more skeptical now, not more trusting.

…that’s not my point tho.

Everyone should objectively know that blue doesn’t hold the trustworthiness it had prior, but the issue is that it did hold that previously. So we know that writ large, when looking at the masses that use twitter youre going to have a fuckton of people primed to be more trustworthy of a blue check (subconsciously’) because they had been for the last X years.

In a world where one of the primary issues in society is half of the United States believing complete and utter nonsense….what I’m laying out will only exacerbate that.

You two both being more skeptical now, is to be expected….as it would be for 90% of this board. But that’s not what I’m referring to.
I just realized all the psyop shit I was seeing blue checkmarks regurgitating as fact, about the Texas shooting reporting….was just a theory Elon had amplified earlier in the day. lol.



Much of this doesn’t ring true to me…..it feels like he’s saying a lot that might sound accurate at first glance, but doesn’t really hold muster, imo.

Like he craps on twitter for reducing discussions about economic policy and geopolitics down to 280 characters (as if threads aren’t how we discuss these things, or with links to deep dive articles)….but it isn’t a binary choice, where if twitter didn’t exist you’d have all those same people reading long form academic papers on the subject.

I think twitter actually resulted in more people becoming educated on a fuckload of these topics.

….I’m also not sure twitters structure encourages fabrication either, anymore than conspiracy theories in general do, regardless of medium.

I feel like with the smallest amount of effort, you could kinda poke some major holes in everything he says here….even tho on a first pass, it felt plausible.
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Yeah im with montana.

Twitter was the greatest because its the only place where all the bullshit could get factcheckes by legit experts in real time.

Of course people could always still silo themselves away by blocking, but it was harder to do that on twitter than anywhere else.
I mean, we can disagree about what made or didn't make twitter great, but I think we all agree that under Elon its pretty much gone to the breeders re: most any utility/value it previously had
I mean, we can disagree about what made or didn't make twitter great, but I think we all agree that under Elon its pretty much gone to the breeders re: most any utility/value it previously had

…but he’s claiming in the article that it was already broken before the purchase, then lists a bunch of bunk theories as to why, imo. Thats what I was replying to.

We def all agree Elon nuked it.
yeah literally giving all the anonymous trolls priority in replies is precision bombing on exactly what made twitter good.

Like…on some level it has to be calculated right?

is he trying to trash what it was perceived as, so he can build something new on the remaining skeleton…that is more akin to WeChat, Intertwining financial services into the experience, so it becomes a catch all app that is more well suited to be profitable long term?

it just strains credulity that he’d want twitter to be twitter, while stepping on every single rake in the yard, destroying it in the process.
2 things:

1) Radko Gudas just did something I don't think I've seen a Leaf defender do all playoffs. Sees traffic in front and hammers shot from blueline. Shot is tipped and misses the net by a bit but not a bad "playoff chance". Puck comes back around to him, and no ragging it or fucking around hammers it again. Pressure in front draws penalty

2) Justin Holl doesn't take many penalties, but he always chooses the best times.