Back to this shit show for a moment. Here's what concerns me, and I mentioned it a few weeks ago....
As angry as most of us are right now, we all know that this is still a really good team, they're going to regress to the mean and start blowing people's doors off, win 8-10 straight or something stupid and get back to looking like the 105+ point team they are. But the same people around the city screeching about it being broken, blow it up will just pivot to their safe space "the regular season doesn't matter". Which of course really means "the regular season doesn't matter if they're playing well....if they're struggling, the regular season matters a whole lot and fire/trade everyone".
The fanbase is really close to becoming a gravitational singularity of idiocy that they will be unable to escape from. It will be a downward narrative that I can only hope ends in mass suicide.