I just wanna say,-- as much as I have ballyhoo'ed, bragged, and really-- and how I have REALLY show-boated in this thread --- The f+ckin NY god damn Jets Surprised me.. They
REALLY Surprised me.. Like i said they "could" possibly do earlier in this thread
IF they won the game -- I would be SURPrISED.. And holy sh+t they surprised me......
It takes total brass balls to win in Miami in the heat in early September.. Miami owns the best record in the NFL for September home games..
But you know what ? F++ck all that, the jets came down there in the INTENSE heat and Controlled the line of Scrimmage.. I NEVER EVER thought they could do that..... Not in a TRILLION years... But they did it. ......... EVEN if Miami scored with 5 seconds left in the game, and won, I would have given FULL KUDOS to the Jets because THey deserved to win that game (NO matter the outcome)..
With that said---- You little Jet pieces of Sh+t.. I f+ckin hate you like you wouldn't believe.. I hate everything you breathe...--- But, you played THE PERFECT game in Miami in September.. PM me your paypal address - I will be happy to pay you with that valiant performance..
Oh, and Lowery ? You got yourselves a TOTAL stud in the 4th round. What a DB.. As mentioned earlier in the thread, that guy can read and react like no other secondary player in the draft.. He looks extremely Poised.. And that is an honest assessment.
But overall with this outcome, I am shocked.. I am f+cked up, in total shock and at a TOTAL loss for words.. You mother f+ckers from NY, I hate your guts !.....
I will just finish with this, and finish it UNTIL I DIE ( because you are gonna have to KILL me to get rid of me) !!! Go DOLPHINS FOREVER MORE !!!!!! I guarantee it, WE WILL BE BACK ! And payback is a Mother f*ckin B*tch ! Remember THAT you SLIMY green dirty stinkin Jets faithful !....
This will be your p*ssy green and white Jet loving faces when Parcells and company get it together in a year-
Remember that feeling you wussies. And BOY, are you ever going to get used to having that self-reflecting face when you watch the "dirty rotten stinkin jets" play ball in the future.....