This city is going to shit
Every major city is.
The Netflix chief's mother-in-law was killed by a home invader a few months back.
There have been numerous follow home burglaries, rapings, and murders.
They pistol-whipped a guy getting into his car for his Rolex, and separately smashed the windows of a jewelry store and grabbed everything they could in 30 seconds - both in broad daylight, both on the same street - google the terms on Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills and see videos of both.
One street away on Canon Drive last year, some guy went into a top Bev Hills restaurant called Il Pastaio and shot a guy for his watch in the middle of the packed restaurant. Again, google it.
People are just walking into places and murdering people for no reason. Some really cute, college girl working in a furniture store last year, who was alone in the store, was bludgeoned by some black dude who was walking by who no one could identify and who didn't steal anything, just walked out and left calmly.
It's horrible. I actually do consider it when thinking of where and when to go out, which I never, ever did in my life. Come back home at 3 am driving through the streets of LA, or going to dinner somewhere and heading back home - when was danger ever even on my mind?