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OT: American Politics

Literally anti-democratic authoritarianism. Targetting specific demographics to remove their right to vote along racial and economic boundaries. But yeah, campaign promises are the exact same fucking thing.

Ok then. As blind as you feel I am, the feeling is mutual. C’est la vie et la guerre.
You don’t see the Dems as the lying sacks of shit they are.

You keep repeating this, and it's not true. There are degrees of danger involved here. The modern Republicans are literally dangerous to the future of a democratic America. If it wasn't crystal clear before the Trump years, it should be now.
Just because they are both bad, doesn't mean one can't be worse.

Also requiring people to bring up 1 point against the Dems everytime they disagree with something the GOP does is silly. We can independently evaluate stories as they come. Obviously when one party controls the majority, to 100% of the government for a 4-8 year span more stories will be about them.
I mean, we can dislike the mechanism they used to do it, but jamming through health insurance (that was previously a Republican constructed idea ffs) for 20 million Americans is hardly the type of shit to get angry about. There's nothing about it that is similar to literally taking away the right of poor minorities to vote.

Looking at those two things and deciding they're the same is a stunning failure of analysis.
You keep repeating this, and it's not true. There are degrees of danger involved here. The modern Republicans are literally dangerous to the future of a democratic America. If it wasn't crystal clear before the Trump years, it should be now.

Here’s what I don’t agree with and it’s not that the GOP are honest. Not in the least. I don’t agree that I need to settle, for anything. Not anymore at my stage of life. The Democrats play holler than thou consistently and they have zero right to do so.

As they used to say years ago, homey don’t play that.

If I’m not supporting the GOP with my vote, isn’t that enough? I don’t agree with much of the Dem platform, why is it required to support them? My life, my vote, Dems are hypocrites and liars.
I mean, we can dislike the mechanism they used to do it, but jamming through health insurance (that was previously a Republican constructed idea ffs) for 20 million Americans is hardly the type of shit to get angry about. There's nothing about it that is similar to literally taking away the right of poor minorities to vote.

Again and often I hear this “ends justify the means” argument. Disagree and reject. Again.
If I’m not spring the GOP with my vote, isn’t that enough? I don’t agree with much of the Dem platform, why is it required to support them? My life, my vote, Dems are hypocrites and liars.

The two party system is terrible for democracy. But even still, here we have a handful and it's the same result:

Here’s what I don’t agree with and it’s not that the GOP are honest. Not on the least. I don’t agree that I need to settle, for anything. Not anymore at my stage of life. The Democrats play holler than though consistently and they have zero right to do so.

As they used to say years ago, homey don’t play that.

If I’m not spring the GOP with my vote, isn’t that enough? I don’t agree with much of the Dem platform, why is it required to support them? My life, my vote, Dems are hypocrites and liars.

Zero.Sum.Game. I suggest you look up the definition and internalize it. If a patently evil group of authoritarian cocksuckers is on one side, and a greasy group of scumbags who promise all the good things and only deliver a fraction of it is on the other, rage quitting on it all is exactly what the patently evil group of authoritarian cocksuckers wants you to do. They need good people to turn up their nose and believe that they're above it all.
You can argue about policy, and people will always disagree. But some stuff is guaranteed constitutional rights being trampled.

Voting is a constitutional right, and frankly, I would argue health care is a necessary component of the "right to life" too.

the hilarious thing is that they're bending/breaking every rule they can to try and prosecute trump's "enemies" based on Hannity's Hoaxes, but they still can't find anything.
Health care vs trying to end democracy

and you're rage quitting over process.

Your hyperbole is intense. The way you frame your arguments doesn't work for me. Hate to break it to you but the GOP are not the NAZIs and yes, I realize many of you actually think so.

To be as clear as possible, I do not see the divide between the two parties as large as you all do. Not even close.
Hate to break it to you but the GOP are not the NAZIs and yes, I realize many of you actually think so.

There's a wide world of authoritarians out there before we get to the abject depravity of the Nazis.

All nazis were authoritarian. Not all authoritarians are nazis. The GOP is absolutely authoritarian.
I expect that most White Nationalists vote for Republicans... But I'll concur that doesn't make Republicans White Nationalists.

I do consider the Voting rights issue as a one side is correct and the other isn't...

Do I think there is some voter fraud? Sure... 2016 Lady from Texas....for one. Also that guy that absentee voted (think this was 2012) in SC that died before the election. Do I feel this latter should be prosecuted? only if you can prove he KNEW he was going to die before the election when he mailed it. Voting is something everyone legal to do so should be as easy as possible.. so Attempts that are intentionally done to make it "harder" for certain groups to vote are anathema to me. If Joel Olsteen wants to take his congregation to go vote in Houston god speed. If the little tiny church/synagogue/Mosque wants to bus their people to the polling place after service. Which was done here in NC. also Florida IIRC made it a crime to take more then 2 people to a polling place.. this was all TARGETED at minorities and affect them 97 to 3. It also dis proportionally hit the poor elderly.

the closing of places to get ID in Alabama were most of the areas with mostly minority populations...

As I've said before the Democrats seem to swing their leg and keep hitting me in the shin. The Republicans seem quite content to Aim theirs and aim higher and harder.... Both suck but I know which I'll take every time...
Your hyperbole is intense. The way you frame your arguments doesn't work for me. Hate to break it to you but the GOP are not the NAZIs and yes, I realize many of you actually think so.

To be as clear as possible, I do not see the divide between the two parties as large as you all do. Not even close.


There's a wide world of authoritarians out there before we get to the abject depravity of the Nazis.

All nazis were authoritarian. Not all authoritarians are nazis. The GOP is absolutely authoritarian.
To be fair there is a fair amount of Authoritarianism on the left as well. just not as much in the mainstream of the party.
Trump is going to eventually go after Barr for dropping investigation into McCabe. He lied to Congress too, just wait for it.