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OT: Coronavirus Resources - and other things to not worry about

Beau's Lug Tread is basically what Canadian/Bud/Coors are supposed to taste like, instead those are just empty brands obsessed in making swill that yields the most optimal profit margin. That shit is like the Pizza Pizza equivalent of alcohol.
I'm a loser gay nerd with almost everything but beer so I'm excited to give this shit a whirl once I finish my Stella 12 pack that I've had for like three months.
If that's your comparison, then anything is better. Real story - a few years ago my boss from Germany came to the US and we were out for drinks. He had a budweiser, took one sip of it, and basically spit it out.

That would be like inviting your friend from Naples to grab a slice from Pizza Pizza.
You speak my language when you mention pizza pizza, that's for sure. That fucking shit is so bad it's mindblowing.
Context matters, for sure. I once had a Steam Whistle after mowing the lawn in 40 degree humidex.

It’s a rather pedestrian beer, but that day it was the best f*cking thing I ever drank. It was done in about 20 seconds.

If you're drinking for pure cold refreshment, then yeah, any beer will do - if it's ice cold.

Me, if I'm hot and thirsty I just go with water.

That actually might be a better beer test - is it enjoyable when it's not ice cold? Then it's probably good.
The last time I got a slice from pizza pizza I swear to fuck the acidity of the sauce burned a fucking hole through my mouth. They manage to fuck up every single ingredient but the sauce is straight up a dental/oral hazard. It's fucking unbelievable.
Speaking of easily accessible things that fucking suck compared to the superior but surprisingly accessible (in this case, easy as fuck homemade) alternatives: mayonnaise.
So then what’s the best pizza over there now?
Pizza pizza was never the best. I'm not as much of a snob about pizza as many fake Italians. I do put American style chain pizza in a completely different genre though.. it's not really pizza to me. It's fine and mostly all edible junk food. But anyway... Anything. Literally anything is better than pizza pizza.
Agree on Steamwhistle. It has a weird "finish" on the palate. Can't stomach more than a bottle, if that.

Yah, agree, I don’t ever buy it. I think it was in my fridge after hosting a BBQ. But, man, in that heat after mowing the lawn I drank it so fast there was no finish. lol

I prefer bitter beer à la Czech/Bavarian stuff.
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Folks. Preston doesn't waste time. He is now the proud owner of beaus lug tread. I will report back later.
Smash burgers, potato salad and a nice crisp lager that better be as good as corona or Zeke is dead? Sounds like a solid Saturday to me.
Give me a solid Hefeweizen in the summer and I’m happy. Budweiser is kind of like a gateway beer IMO. It is easy to drink in that it’s not too strong for people who hate the flavour of beer. It’s overall just meh.
I wrote 8 items on my to-do list. Got to start somewhere.

2 are mine, 6 are for my wife

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