Breaking my fast for a quick one here ...
You want to blame somebody, blame the owner. Tulsky is the tactician, Dundon is the big picture guy. My take? Dundon's leverage crap bit him in the ass. He's taken every single advantage of every tiny bit of leverage in favor of the team in every contract negotiation since he's gotten here. That's what got them on bad terms with Necas in the first place, dragged out what should have been a simple extension with Jarvis, and what cost them that stupid offer sheet mess with Aho when the team made it plain that they were going to go to the mat to get the best possible deal. It also cost him with Guentzel last summer, when he spent weeks hammering on a low valuation thinking he could he could play chicken with the deadline ... only to get so close to the deadline that the player figured he'd be better off making his own deal with somebody more amenable. And now he got played by Rantanen and his agent, a fact that will have the agent community buying each other beers tonight for sure. The hard earned lesson (hopefully) is that there's a certain class of player in the NHL that renders "team control" fairly meaningless. Your first team all league guys with proven playoff track records? They're going to get too much term and too much money eventually, no matter your owner's iron will. Dundon is now 0 for 2 on those guys. Maybe figure it out before you dip your toes in that pool again.
Tulsky saved the corporate bacon by making sure he got real value out of this mess but in the short term we're back to square one on a season that didn't have to be this futile. Tulsky was the one making noises about own-rentals and seeing how it would play out in the post season as recently as Sunday. That decision to throw all that measured thinking out the window on deadline eve? That's GOT to be on Dundon. I'm interested to see if he'll own it or not.
And don't forget. For that absolute sham of an "effort" he was willing to put his name on in the Boston game, Rantanen can suck it forever. At least to that point he appeared to be trying, and then he took a game check for whatever that was. Eff off and don't bother taking a uniform as a keep-sake.