It does make them not Crocs though. And they look good to me... and likely to most non-Boomers... and a lot of Boomers who don't refuse to grow and get with the times.
That really wasn't the point of my post though. It doesn't strike you as suspicious that he told his girlfriend that he "lost" his wife 2 and a half weeks before she went missing?
I'm definitely going to watch the Peacock series.
It's also super suspicious that he had a secret girlfriend who he told he "lost his wife", 2 and a half weeks before she went missing. On the same day that he bought his secret boat that nobody else knew about.
Man, I don't know. From everything I've seen, he sure looks guilty. I've seen the Netflix one but not the Peacock one.
I mean, he went fishing 90 miles away from home... and the body just happened to be found in the exact area that he went fishing... 90 miles from home?
I assume you're joking, but just in case you aren't... it's literally the entire premise of the movie and given away in every trailer... and given away in the first 3 minutes of the movie even if you never saw the trailer.
But that's the point, really, they definitely could have figured out a...
He was fine, and it probably could have been a fair bit better if they found a way to get people to watch without giving away the fact that he was the killer, and few changes to the script and editing.
I guess we should probably have Matthew and Johnny Gaudreau in here. :cry: