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Patrik Laine

It starts with pyjama's and green crocs. Then it becomes the improper use of "their", "there", and "they're". Then the Oxford comma goes away and then we just slide down into the abyss of having the DH in the National League, dogs mating with cats, and another Trump presidency.
It starts with pyjama's and green crocs. Then it becomes the improper use of "their", "there", and "they're". Then the Oxford comma goes away and then we just slide down into the abyss of having the DH in the National League, dogs mating with cats, and another Trump presidency.
as Al Iafrate would say, the Oxford comma is for fags.
World is full of glass housed judgmental fools projecting their own insecurities about what others think.

Weak-minded jagoffs
Pyjama's, green crocs, pink ball cap.

The prosecution rests, your honor.
Of what crime? Your insecurity?

I bet you're a pussy in RL and are afraid to be yourself. If you care what someone wears there's a lot wrong with you. Shallow shit.

And you need a new strain Stink
Of what crime? Your insecurity?

I bet you're a pussy in RL and are afraid to be yourself. If you care what someone wears there's a lot wrong with you. Shallow shit.

And you need a new strain Stink
This is his first official Habs photo op. The first impression. He needs to come correct. There's a time and place to dress like that (don't ask me what, but this occasion was not that time or that place)
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It does make them not Crocs though. And they look good to me... and likely to most non-Boomers... and a lot of Boomers who don't refuse to grow and get with the times.
Cool shoes but not appropriate for weddings, funerals, job interviews, or your first meet and greet with the local media.