OK ... in my humble opinion, the Lightning winning is good for hockey. Yes, they play a stout defensive game, but their identity is wrapped up in playing offensive hockey and ... you know ... scoring goals. Dallas is a traditional unit, built to limit damage first and then to see if maybe they can't scrounge enough offense to score a couple of goals. After all this time, I'm well and truly sick of that model. Yeah, it's easier and cheaper to operate that way, and the loser point thing rewards you for just being good enough to hang around in a lot of close games. But whatever ... I'm here to see goals, not white knuckle death matches. I'm here to see teams trying to win the game, not ones trying not to lose it. The fact that this league makes it so bloody hard for those teams that actually want to score to succeed is patently ridiculous, but expecting anything else from this dumb league is probably futile. So, good on Tampa. Maybe the brain dead tribe that runs the front offices in the NHL will actually start to copy something useful for once instead of obsessing over "playing heavy" and signing fossils who are past their sell by date so they can park their butts in front of the net (because they're too slow to do anything else), and all that other garbage that only leads to borderline unwatchable hockey.
Here's to 4 full lines of forwards who can skate and make plays and 3 full pairings of defensemen who can pass and shoot.