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2019-Whenever Misc. Grab Bag Thread

I'm sure our own small group here could maintain an ongoing thread on air travel misadventures. This one is pretty trivial.
It sort of is, but the NCAA is in charge of arranging the team’s travel, and getting them out there in the early morning, when they have a NCAA mandated practice less than 12 hours later is a big deal. At least they’re not playing until Saturday night, so they have a couple of days to recover.
It sort of is, but the NCAA is in charge of arranging the team’s travel, and getting them out there in the early morning, when they have a NCAA mandated practice less than 12 hours later is a big deal. At least they’re not playing until Saturday night, so they have a couple of days to recover.

It's the NCAA, not some sort of wizards convention. Planes break down sometimes and air crew limits are in everyone's best interests. Plus, there's an upside ... it gives Danny Hurley something real to complain about so he won't have to manufacture grievances the way he normally does :0)
Oakland A’s, meet the Arizona Coyotes.

The A’s announced months ago that they were leaving Oakland for Las Vegas. Their proposed stadium is to be built on the property the Tropicana Hotel, which closed yesterday, is on. Demo of the Trop isn’t scheduled to start until October and, beyond that, there isn’t any financing in place to build the new stadium. The state approved $380 million but that’s being challenged in court for a 2nd time after the A’s win an initial suit in November,

The A’s lease at Oakland Coliseum expires at the end of this season. They announced today that they’ll play the next 3 years in Sacramento at Sutter Health Park, home of the AAA Sacrament River Cats, affiliated with the Giants. The stadium is a little bigger than the DBAP, with 10,624 seats and an extra ~3,400 lawn and standing room spots, for a total capacity of just over 14,000.
Also on this date, Jimmy V ran around the court, looking for someone to hug.

View: https://youtu.be/GfYb-JTmJs4?si=BreiKKB9wBh9C56u

That gives me chills and tears whenever I see it.

I watched w/ some friends on Vanderbilt Ave and can still remember all of us lunging forward and freezing when Whit made that "pass" and Lo sealed the deal then the elation, the Brickyard, Hillsboro St, beer bottles falling from heaven, and the overturned Pinto outside the Fast Fare. Damn, what a night. I hope I never forget.

It was one hell of a spring semester, let me tell you. I was a junior, taking John Reuer's studio and living on Vanderbilt Ave.

I was at the UVa game we were killing them until Whit broke his 5th metatarsal. I didn't even know what a metatarsal was until then. Was also at the UNC game, first row baseline, 12'-15' from where Sid passed backward between his legs to Thurl to dunk off Sleepy's head. I think I'm visible in a YT of that. What a beautiful afternoon that was! But not for my Tar Hole g/f. Oh well. Was at all the wins and losses at Reynolds, actually.

I'm so glad our 2 b/b teams and students get to experience this and hope we're partying into Tuesday morning.

Thanks for the memories, Andy.

Go Pack!
OK, we know that NHL officiating is bad, but I don’t think any of them are Angel Hernandez bad.

View: https://x.com/talkinbaseball_/status/1776080547908911467?s=61&t=ZT8KDHkGMyk7V3JAuh5_ag

Freddie L'Ecuyer has his nights and TJ Luxmore is showing promise since he's getting dumber and more confused with experience. But yeah, Angel is arguably the worst single official working in top level pro sports in the whole world. His strike zone is a myth, he has always seemed scared of the baseball and he clearly has no idea why everyone is mad at him all the time ... in an egotistical way, not a clueless way. HE thinks he's great. He sued MLB for denying him post season assignments for crying out loud.
Freddie L'Ecuyer has his nights and TJ Luxmore is showing promise since he's getting dumber and more confused with experience. But yeah, Angel is arguably the worst single official working in top level pro sports in the whole world. His strike zone is a myth, he has always seemed scared of the baseball and he clearly has no idea why everyone is mad at him all the time ... in an egotistical way, not a clueless way. HE thinks he's great. He sued MLB for denying him post season assignments for crying out loud.
Teddy Valentine has entered the conversation.
Teddy Valentine has entered the conversation.
Nah. Valentine is perfectly capable of being a good official up until the point that his desire to steal the spotlight overwhelms his common sense. Teddy knows when he's misbehaving. Angel honestly has no clue.
Angel Hernandez is the worst official, in any sport. Frankly, it's not even close. He's even worse than those NBA bozo's that gambled on games. At least they had a reason to **** up every call in the game, Angel ****'s up because he's completely clueless all while being so full of himself that he actually believes he made the right call.

I have had personal run-in's with TV Teddy and that A'hole Jamie Luckie in my time shooting the ACC. Can't stand either one of them on the court or off the court.
Nah. Valentine is perfectly capable of being a good official up until the point that his desire to steal the spotlight overwhelms his common sense. Teddy knows when he's misbehaving. Angel honestly has no clue.
not buying what you’re selling. To his own.
I forgot how weird it is to fly into the Final 4 host city. The flight crews are fired up, there's chanting and general nonsense down the aisles. It's so different that your average late night flight into Phoenix

BTW, State and Purdue would make terrible rivals. They're basically the same school and the fans know it. Lots of amiable chatting.