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2023-24 Canes Misc Thread

They are putting a whattaburger down here in Fayetteville too. It’s on the other side of town from me but I’ll gladly make the trip
They announced that a couple of weeks ago and I thought it odd that 1 of the first 3 Whataburger in the state was going to Fayetteville. I thought it might be because of the big military bases but I don’t think there is a lot of movement between Fort Liberty and Fort Cavazos, the former is Airborne, the latter is Armor.
STM renewals should be in your mailboxes. Full season general parking is up to $19/game. And it looks like the vouchers are gone.
STM renewals should be in your mailboxes. Full season general parking is up to $19/game. And it looks like the vouchers are gone.
Hadn't noticed that yet about the vouchers.... they were getting so tough to actually use with the building being full every night, but ya that's a kick... essentially a 6.5% "shrinkflation" (3/46).

My seats (Sideline Preferred row H) went up about 10%, from $105 to $116 (pretax), so combined, that's a 16.5% cost increase)

$33 for pre-paid Premier parking up from $30.

New "STM Buy Back" program (˚Full/Half Season STMs may receive credit for up to (5) games during the regular season via the Buy Back Program. Buy Back credit amounts vary by game, and credit is ONLY valid towards 2025-26 STM renewal. )

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I'll have to dig into the numbers, but it looks like my seats (Lower Level North 4th layer) also went up about 10%. With the salary cap going up and the interior renovations hitting soon, I figured we were in for that kind of increase. At least it's not another restructure like last spring. Yanking vouchers is a net loss to STMs even if I never really used the program much. Parking? Meh. It's still a LOT cheaper than retail.
I can’t find last year’s invoice but if I backwards math from the sales tax on Saturday’s ticket, my Terrace Preferred seats went up 1%, from $49.50 to $50.

The vouchers could only be used for 19 of the 41 games this year and only 1 was on the weekend. I won’t miss them.
Yeah, I finally found last year's final invoice and my increase was actually a hair over 5% for the tickets alone. That's fine.
Also RIP Pure Hockey pricing. I lost mine this season so I was ahead of the curve. I was able to find cheaper seats in Terrace Preferred, but folks looking to move upstairs may find fewer seats available depending on their priority.
My LL North 'cheapest price point' full season without pure hockey pricing went from $65 to $73 per game before taxes. 12.3% increase. Those with Pure Hockey pricing in my same section were paying $55 per game this season, so that would be a 32.7% increase for them.

The vouchers reached a point in my section where there were so few games and so few available seats they were becoming hard to get any value out of. The exchange process being retained at least (hopefully) allows me to swap out the 2 preseason game for regular season games.

I will be interested to find out the specifics of STM Buy Back program. I've had a few games this year where I couldn't go. Exchanging them became impossible (again not many games, very few seats) and selling them, depending on the game, often meant not even recouping my cost. This new program might be worthwhile depending on the rules.

I did expect a pretty substantial price hike for all the reasons JB already noted. I didn't expect Dundon to eat the increased salary costs with the cap rising.
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We made the decision about a month ago not to renew. I'm not thrilled about it, but other financial and life priorities we foresee over the next year drove our decision, and the couple we share are two seats with are planning on spending more time out-of-town at a vacation property they recently purchased.

My hope is that this will only be a one- or two-year break and that the waiting list won't be too long when we decide to return.
According to the Twitterverse, the Bruins and Slugs announced ticket price increases today too. Slugs averaged 8%.
According to the Twitterverse, the Bruins and Slugs announced ticket price increases today too. Slugs averaged 8%.
Again, with the Cap going up for the first time in a while I expect every team to raise ticket prices.
I think it sucks. In that case keep the cap the same. I don’t need the players to make more. Heck they’re already making 40 times more than the average ticket buyers.

Revenue goes up. Presumably the teams are making more money. The cap goes up so the players can get their share and they pass that on to the folks buying tickets.
I think it sucks. In that case keep the cap the same. I don’t need the players to make more. Heck they’re already making 40 times more than the average ticket buyers.

Revenue goes up. Presumably the teams are making more money. The cap goes up so the players can get their share and they pass that on to the folks buying tickets.
Basic 'grab your ankles-enomics'.
I'm not happy about having my tickets go up 8% next year since this season's tickets increased 30% due to the Canes re-prioritizing the section where I'm seated. It's the price of success, I know, but at some point I may pull the plug on being a STH.
I think it sucks. In that case keep the cap the same. I don’t need the players to make more. Heck they’re already making 40 times more than the average ticket buyers.

Revenue goes up. Presumably the teams are making more money. The cap goes up so the players can get their share and they pass that on to the folks buying tickets.
Dude, I hear ya! I got priced out of the arena years ago. The only way I can afford to attend a game anymore is getting a freebie from a friend.
I think it sucks. In that case keep the cap the same. I don’t need the players to make more. Heck they’re already making 40 times more than the average ticket buyers.

Revenue goes up. Presumably the teams are making more money. The cap goes up so the players can get their share and they pass that on to the folks buying tickets.
In this specific market, I don't think we have a lot to complain about, honestly. The owner has been spending to Cap consistently even when it meant coming (deeply) out of pocket and our ticket prices remain on the lower end of the league spectrum. Yeah, last year's spike was rough, but this year's changes basically amount to a cost of living increase. Everybody has their own personal economy to worry about though. I get that. But the costs of live events of all sorts have gotten VERY expensive.
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It’s funny that we laugh at the Brits for having Royalty
. But the costs of live events of all sorts have gotten VERY expensive.

Absurdly expensive. Creating our own class of royalty based on our lack of discipline to not spend money we shouldn’t on concerts and sporting events etc. Pretty hard to justify spending that much on entertainment and it keeps going up.