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Around the League 2019-2023 Edition

We all have the same data in front of us and one side is choosing to believe something different than what the data actually says. The fundamental core of my dayjob is to actively avoid all preconceived perceptions and just let the data speak. I'm just not wired to have a narrative and stick to it no matter what I see. Maybe that's unpopular here but that just not what I'm trained to do. I will let this go. Clearly this is not a popular way to view things.
wtf are you on about?
Florida is not an exception though. Vegas is the only recent cup winner to not invest in the position and that was because the goalie they had already invested in fell apart physically so they had to make other plans on the fly. Florida, Vegas, Colorado, Tampa Bay, Washington, Pittsburgh, Chicago, LAK all invested significant AAV in goaltending. They were able to chew gum and walk at the same time.

Every recent Cup winning front office has been willing to put significant investment in net. There is no magic front office out there winning cups without investing in net.
What ever happened to Lehner?
Love how winning with cheap backups in net cause the expensive starter is no good gets counted as smart spending.
Love how winning with cheap backups in net cause the expensive starter is no good gets counted as smart spending.
How many times has this actually occurred though? Vegas sure but which other backup took their team to a cup win?
What do Cam Ward, Binnington, and Murray have in common?

They were elite goalie prospects before taking the jobs from average or better established NHL goaltenders.

I don't see anyone here arguing to not try to develop good goalies. But kind of fucking crucially, none of those teams went into the regular season and said "have at it kid, and here's some random backup to keep you company".
And by the way, Cup ratings aren’t so strong in our native land.

Let’s face it, we’re devoting our time to a niche sport

From the Globe and Mail:

According to the NHL, seven million people across North America watched Game 1.

When the Toronto Raptors were rolling to the 2019 NBA championship, the nightly number crested eight million. And that was just in Canada.

Early in the week, Léger released a poll after asking Canadians and Americans if they intended to follow the Edmonton-Florida series.

The headline was that a majority in this country – 58 per cent – were not paying much or any attention. This was reported in Canadian outlets in the same way tractor production used to make the third page of Pravda – as an obligation, not a prompt for conversation. Nobody talked about nobody caring.
And calling Kuemper a significant invesment is a stretch.

He was making $4.5 for 1yr and only had ever played more than 29gms once prior in his career.